Release Notes for GoldSim® 15
Installing and System Requirements
The installation file for GoldSim 15 is named “GoldSim_15_Setup.exe”. The program installs GoldSim 15 and all required pre-requisites on your computer. Existing prior releases of GoldSim 15 are automatically identified and updated to this revision.
GoldSim 15 can be installed in parallel with other GoldSim product releases, such as GoldSim 14.0 or earlier. You may choose to leave older product versions on your computer if you wish. If you do not want to keep other GoldSim product versions on your computer, it is recommended you uninstall them prior to installing or upgrading any new products. If you install and maintain multiple product versions of GoldSim on your computer, it is recommended that you install the oldest product first (first 11.0 then 11.1 then 12.0 and so on).
Note: You MUST have administrative privileges in order to install GoldSim successfully.
Minimum System Requirements
This release is tested and supported on Windows 10 and Windows 11, on x86 and x64 architectures. For best performance and compatibility Windows 10 Version 21H1 (build 20348) or newer is recommended.
The following platforms are also supported and expected to work, but not routinely tested:
- Windows 11 on Arm64
- Windows Server 2022
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2016
Windows versions prior to Windows 10 or Server 2016 are not supported.
Several GoldSim features require a locally installed version of Microsoft Excel®. In general, a GoldSim product supports all versions of Excel officially supported by Microsoft (mainstream support) at the time of the GoldSim product's initial release.
FlexEnabled Software Licensing
As of February 2016, GoldSim products implement software licensing technology from Flexera Software LLC (FlexNet Publisher Toolkit). The following table lists available GoldSim products and their associated FlexNet Publisher (FNP) Toolkit version. When configuring a Flexera FlexNet Publisher License Server, the license server version must be the same version or greater than any vendor daemon's FNP version and the vendor daemon's FNP version must be the same or greater than any GoldSim client's FNP version.
GoldSim Product |
FNP Toolkit |
GoldSim Pro 15 | |
GoldSim Pro 14.0, 14.0 R1, 14.0 R2, 14.0 R3, 14.0 R4 | |
GoldSim Pro 12.1.3, 12.1.4, 12.1.5 | |
GoldSim Pro 12.0, 12.1, 12.1.1, 12.1.2, 11.1 (Update 7) | |
GoldSim Pro 11.1 (Updates 4, 5 and 6), 11.0.8, | |
GoldSim Pro 10.5 SP6, 10.5 SP7 | |
GoldSim License Server Activation Utility (GLSActUtil) v1.2 | |
GoldSim License Server Activation Utility (GLSActUtil) v1.1 | |
GoldSim License Server Activation Utility (GLSActUtil) v1.0 | |
GoldSim Vendor Daemon (GTG.exe) v1.2 | |
GoldSim Vendor Daemon (GTG.exe) v1.1 | |
GoldSim Vendor Daemon (GTG.exe) v1.0 | |
For more information about Network License Server, refer to "GoldSim License Server - Installation, Configuration, Basic Maintenance and Operations."
Getting Help with the GoldSim Installation
For problems regarding the installation and setup process of the GoldSim software, please submit a support request via the GoldSim Help Desk. Detailed information on how to contact GoldSim Technology Group can be found on the Contact Page on our website.
Release Notes GoldSim 15
New in GoldSim 15 (#257)
GoldSim 15 was released on January 7, 2025. It is a major new version and introduces numerous new features and capabilities to GoldSim, as well as many enhancements and corrections. For an overview of new features and changes, please refer to document GoldSim 15 Summary.pdf. A link is available in the GoldSim 15 program group in the Windows start menu.
New features are described below:
- New New Controller Element [5981]
- New Improve simulation performance utilizing new CPU instruction sets and whole program optimizations [5829]
- New Convert Help system to HTML5 [5928]
- New In Scenario Manager support partial 'Run All' of only those scenarios that have no results AND are included in result displays [5950]
- New Element Conversion between Data and Expression element types [5935]
- New Add a Version Report to the Version Manager [5897]
- New Print a 'Version Changes' Report [5941]
- New Quickly insert elements using shortcut keys Ctrl+[Number] [5900]
- New Simplify and redesign GoldSim toolbars [5881]
- New Improve performance of Aquifer element's Cell-network generator, parser and sequencer [5895]
- New Improve Script performance with statement lookup cache [5893]
- New Improve rendering quality of user interface, toolbar and context menu icons by using vector-based images rather than raster images [5876]
- New Redesign Units Manager dialog, replace outdated hierarchical multi-column tree control [5933]
- New Refresh look and functionality of Version Manager [5948]
- New Allow images to be rotated and flipped [4381]
- FIX Previous Value element incorrectly computes the Rate of Change output [5999]
- FIX High-resolution Time History erroneously records additional model update times [5997]
- FIX Element units allowed to change in Sealed Container [6002]
Enhancements and Corrections in 15
- New Improve performance of Offset, Row and Column expression nodes by caching repeatedly accessed state conditions during simulation [5833]
- New Improve performance of sub-system Function Sequence management during simulation [5830]
- New Improve performance of IF- and GFunc-Nodes in input expressions by caching type information repeatedly accessed during simulation [5837]
- New Improve performance of RL Failure Mode calculations by caching control variables [5835]
- New Improve performance of element input functions; cache internal state during simulation to avoid potentially costly, repeated lookups [5831]
- New Optimize performance of Script's Break/Continue statements, Clock access in any loop statements, cache element as sender of update notifications [5834]
- New Improve overall simulation performance by reducing the number of speed adjustment and pause checks [5836]
- New Add Mouse Wheel Scroll Functionality throughout GoldSim [5866]
- New Warn about all isotope property consistency differences, not just the first one of each Medium element [6003]
- New Support model root in -show command line parameter [5980]
- New Change the Update Expressions (F9) function to perform a deep parse and refresh [5907]
- New Context Menu Toggle Lock Appearance for a Graphical Object [5979]
- New Add additional options to insert and reorder scenarios in scenario manager [5951]
- New Option to save model file creating a new version (in Version Manager); auto append version number [5898]
- New 'Save As' a copy of the current model file when user creates a new version (in Version Manager) [5940]
- New Improve performance of precision-mutable comparison operators ==, != =, [5894]
- New Correct Flip operations on graphical objects [5905]
- New Correct Lumen and Lux unit descriptions [5990]
- New Clarify that a Time Series definition can be sent from GoldSim to a DLL through an External Element in the same format it can be imported into GoldSim [5709]
- New Increase result size warning threshold from 256 MB to 512 MB (0.5 GB) [5958]
- New Rewire F8 shortcut key to invoke 'Array Labels...' editor instead of 'Resources...' editor [5923]
- New Replace bitmap in 'Add/Edit Unit' wizard with a scalable and updated SVG drawing [5929]
- New Change order of elements listed in Insert Element | Function menu [5927]
- New Remove reference to 'fatal errors' from post simulation message reporting only warnings [5962]
- New Replace bitmap in 'Import/Export Data' wizard of Spreadsheet element with scalable and updated SVG drawing [5931]
- New Add high-DPI support for various drop-box controls using item images instead of text [5899]
- New Adjust 'Graphics' menu to reflect changes in simplified toolbar design [5884]
- New Change main menu theme to not use all upper case for labels in application main menu [5888]
- New Version and DPI-scale specific registry branch for workspace metadata [5887]
- New Support themed context menu in browser windows [5877]
- New Remove support for large toolbars, remove all unnecessary resource files [5882]
- New Narrow font and font size dropdown boxes in Note Bar and Rich Text Editor dialog [5880]
- New Improve "plus sign" icons in Units database for better rendering on high dpi screens [5694]
- New Scale initial width of browser pane and height of note pane based on user's system DPI-scale [5886]
- New Redesign Start Screens and About Box images for GoldSim and Player; change rendering technology from bitmap PNG to vector SVG [5883]
- Remove File->'Send to…' capability from GoldSim (and Player) [5859]
- Remove dependencies to Rogue Wave's Objective Toolkit library [5932]
- Change GoldSim product versioning scheme from 'XX.Y' to 'XX' (no more point releases) and show product version in application title [5971]
- Migrate code base and libraries to Visual Studio 2022, Windows 10 SDK 10.0.20348, updated BCG and Stingray library upgrade [5969]
- Migrate to BCG Library v36.0 [6001]
- Migrate to Stingray 2024.1 [5968]
- Remove Manuals from GS/GSP installers [5989]
- Remove HTML Help components and generated CHM files from installation packages [5916]
- Remove 2nd confirmation when breaking a seal (on a Container) [6006]
- Remove the Unit Dimension Warning Message on Reservoirs [5934]
- FIX Extreme Probability distribution must be dimensionless [5450]
- FIX Extra Time Series discrete change events occur at dynamically reduced time steps [5408]
- FIX Zero value discrete change set to replace is not applied to global resources [5437]
- FIX Model Validity Check dialog has incorrect control layout after resize [5991]
- FIX Controller Failed to Trigger when Pool at Top on Scheduled Time [5996]
- FIX Suspended Interrupt element may save state and misleadingly look like disabled Interrupt element [5998]
- FIX Application crashes after trying to access the Units database [6000]
- FIX Reservoir and Pool elements erroneously execute bitwise AND (&) comparison where logical AND (&&) was intended [5939]
- FIX Start Screen Text Scaling Issues at Uncommon Windows Zoom Factors [5938]
- FIX Popped Out Result Window Control does not redraw properly in Dashboard [6004]
Release Notes GoldSim 14.0
Enhancements and Corrections in 14.0 R4 (#471)
GoldSim 14.0 Revision 4 was released on October 4, 2024.
- FIX Information Delay element produces incorrect results when delay is equal to or exceeds 200 timesteps. [5986]
- FIX Log-Triangular distribution with identical values for inputs gives incorrect result. [5995]
- FIX GoldSim terminates when denying file overwrite during result export. The problem occurs when user chooses not to export when asked. [5993]
- FIX Automatically exporting time history realization results to a text file at end of simulation, which causes GoldSim to end unexpectedly. [5988]
- FIX Changing Tab Order of Result Window in Dashboard Temporarily Breaks Display, causing displays to suddenly show as empty until user navigates away and comes back to refresh the view. [5982]
- FIX Constant Vmol incorrectly shows 'm^3/mol' instead of 'm^3'. It represents the volume of a mol of gas at STP in GoldSim. The tooltip should display 'm^3' only, as changing it to 'm^3/mol' would disrupt existing models. [5984]
- FIX Cell flow balance warnings are incorrect if there are multiple flows and at least one is negative. For Cell elements, we compare the sum of inflows to outflows for the reference fluid. If positive and the Cell volume is static, a warning is written to the Run Log. Negative outflows are treated as inflows. An error occurs with multiple flows if at least one is negative, leading to incorrect warnings. [5985]
Enhancements and Corrections in 14.0 R3 (#449)
GoldSim 14.0 Revision 3 was released on January 3, 2024.
- New Export External element Interface definition to file for external processing [5974]
- New Remove some "Deterministic" labels from the Final Value Result Chart and Table [5957]
- New Execute GoldSim silently (hidden) from command line and report result via exit code and log file [5965]
- New Support pasting text into an Influence link Label [5956]
- New In calendar-time history result tables, output fractional seconds in micro and nano seconds for times immediately after midnight [5978]
- Improve performance of result export to .xlsx from many TH elements to same workbook or to workbook with many worksheets [5973]
- Preserve all configuration settings for Player file export [5952]
- Improve a version's date format used in Version Manager UI and generated reports [5944]
- Support high-DPI scaling of RL Causal Analysis Summary Plot [5960]
- Correct high-DPI scaling on RL Results tab [5961]
- Improve dynamic release of GDI handles to graphical components such as element symbols when generating Aquifer Cells [5959]
- Results Tab of Options dialog cuts off " Minimum number of significant figures to display" at 150% [5930]
- FIX Simulation Update Time very close to Reporting Period incorrectly identified as major or minor period causing an invalid period result to be inserted in Time History Results, thereby shifting all period results by a period [5634]
- FIX Distributed Processing Client may show blocking message from GoldSim Script [5966]
- FIX Attempt to set Custom Statistic to "Max" in Time History result reverts to "Min" [5963]
- FIX Distribution result window may show 'No Data' background artifacts [5964]
- FIX Text prompt cut off in Version Manager dialog [5943]
- FIX Memory leak when deleting multiple version stamps at once from Versioning Manager [5947]
- FIX Version Manager crashes upon deletion of version stamps [5945]
- FIX Deleting a version in version manager does not trigger model changed state; no save request upon closing model [5946]
- FIX Some paste operations in element input editor do not replace highlighted text [5953]
- FIX Text and image scaling issues on GLSActUtil on HD screen [5926]
Enhancements and Corrections in 14.0 R2 (#412)
GoldSim 14.0 Revision 2 was released on February 20, 2023.
- Improve Time History 'Export to Text File' performance to remote file. [5891]
- FIX Crash in browsers when hovering over matrix-type input of Spreadsheet element (tooltip invoke). [5890]
- Change GoldSim icon in Licensing Welcome dialog. [5904]
- Improve high-DPI scaling support for Dashboard Slider and Thermometer control's property dialog. [5896]
- New Replace HTML Help-based Tutorial with NetHelp. [5909]
- Convert all hyperlinks from GoldSim applications to https:// and verify landing pages are working. [5911]
- FIX Exposed output state in cloned Container out of sync, triggering parsing error during Model Validation. [5908]
- Improve cloning thoroughness and robustness of inputs. [5913]
- Improve automatic exposing of outputs when localizing a container. [5914]
- New Add ability to check for updates of GoldSim. [4967]
- New Periodically launch background check for available update of GoldSim product, inform user non-intrusively. [5919]
- Improve high-DPI icon quality in Licensing Welcome and License Manager dialogs. [5910]
- New Replace HTML Help with version-specific NetHelp in GoldSim and Player. [5808]
- New Add link to Online Courses to the Help Menu. [5906]
- FIX Error after Interrupt while viewing embedded FV Table - MAP_ALL_CAPTURE_POINTS. [5902]
- Improve error message when operands are required to have the same unit dimensions. [5920]
- FIX Reset to Default Values option does not work in Design view for Grid controls. [5918]
Enhancements and Corrections in 14.0 R1 (#382)
GoldSim 14.0 Revision 1 was released on July 21, 2022.
- Improved dashboard and grid popup tooltip rendering when using high-DPI scaling. [5874]
- Improved Array Label dialog: the higher the display scale, the narrower the ID and Range columns. [5879]
- Improved Tooltips on active dashboard controls not appearing when Windows zoom scale not 100%. [5878]
- Corrected Random Choice element, which is not testing for valid probabilities and sum of probabilities when Importance Sampling used. [5868]
- Corrected an unexpected termination of GoldSim when optimizer dialog is closed (top right corner x) while optimizer is running. [5840]
- Corrected Delete command, which is incorrectly disabled in main application and context menu while in Edit Mode. [5838]
- Addressed an issue with values not being updated when pasted from clipboard into the Input table of sensitivity analysis. [5757]
- Corrected unexpected termination of DP Client if model defaults to viewing a Dashboard that contains a reporting period time history result display. [5873]
- Corrected issue with Time History Result elements not showing results when set to display Reporting Periods and linked to certain Cell or Pipe outputs. [5797]
- Corrected a model file corruption issue when clearing mutable input (diffusivities, solubilities, partition coefficient, partition coefficient) in cloned (Reference) Fluid or Solid if input has links. [5813]
- GoldSim incorrectly allows you to import species list from a spreadsheet in which a species decays into itself. [5870]
- Improved width of Row Variable and Result Columns of Lookup Table. [5863]
- Addressed high-DPI Scaling Issues in Time, Monte Carlo, and Graphics property pages. [5862]
- Improved text scaling in Decision and Random Choice elements dialogs. [5865]
- Added warning message when defining Available Porosities if the Total Fluid Volume is greater than the Pore Volume. [5867]
- Added support for mouse wheel events for scrolling tables/grids in Sum, And, Or elements input definition. [5853]
- Improved error detection in Source element and generate Fatal Error if Source element is located inside a conditional Container that activates after ETime = 0. [5846]
- Improved and modified Excessive Mass Transport Rate Run Log messages. [5864]
- Improved result export for Static Spreadsheet element (all static input, no offsets), which may not export | recalculate | import. [5792]
- Added ability to adjust width of individual columns in Correlation and Sensitivity Analysis table of Multi-variate result. [5854]
- Improved high-DPI Scaling Issues Submodel's 'Definition' page. [5842]
- Corrected vertical placement of combo box controls in result window toolbars. [5852]
- Fixed labels that are cut off in Fluid and Solid element property page at 100% and 200% (resolution: 3840 x 2160). [5855]
- Added ability to automatically adjust SubModel output items when referenced output ID changes. [5850]
- Added support for Alt+Enter to open property page of selected element in graphics pane or anchor element if selection includes multiple elements. [5849]
- Added support for mouse wheel events for scrolling in SubModel interface grids. [5851]
- Corrected subitem outputs of static array output that were not marked static. [5848]
- Removed redundant static test while sequencing in Script Variable Definition, DO and FOR Loop. [5847]
- Fixed an unexpected termination of GoldSim when editing a dashboard input grid. [5826]
New in GoldSim 14.0 (#344)
GoldSim 14.0 was released on October 4, 2021. It is a major new version and introduces numerous new features and capabilities to GoldSim, as well as many enhancements and corrections. For an overview of new features and changes, please refer to document GoldSim 14.0 Summary.pdf. A link is available in the GoldSim 14.0 program group in the Windows start menu.
New features are described below:
- Added a new result element for flexible table and chart display of Final Value result data or derived statistics. All result display types offer flexible mapping and customization options. Chart types include bar, column and pie charts. [5283]
- Added a Logic-Tree element for advanced representation of a logic system with automatic result rollup. Supported node types are: And, Or, Condition, Not-Condition and N-Vote. [2898]
- Improved the Distributed Processing Controller with a refreshed user interface, improved reliability and convenience functions. [5762]
- Improved the Distributed Processing Client with a new user interface, automatic display layout capabilities, ability to 'gather all client windows', improved reliability and additional convenience functions. [5760]
- Added ability to add multiple Distributed Processing Clients to Controller list at once. [5781]
- Added a new dashboard control to change simulation time settings. [3717]
- Added ability to access to Scenario Data dialog from Scenario Dashboard Control in GoldSim and Player. [5789]
- Implemented a read-only mode for Scenario Data tables for GoldSim Player models. [5196]
- Added new functions to find the minimum/maximum variables in lookup tables (tablemin(), tablemax()). [5641]
- Added new complementary error function erfc(). [5812]
- Added DateTime functions to create a date or to extract components of a date. [5622]
- Changed logic alerting to Zero Media Amount in a Contaminent Transport Cell. [5778]
- Changed Contaminent Transport Algorithm so that effective volume is not weighted when Solution Precision is set to 'Low'. [5773]
- Changed logic triggering warning message for rapid volume change in Contaminent Transport Cell pathways. [5775]
- Changed Inflow/Outflow imbalance warning message in Contaminant Transport Cell pathways. [5774]
- Added many new, modernized icons and quicksets to the Dashboard Result Status control. [5768, 5777]
- Replaced Flag and some Red/Yellow/Green light icons in Dashboard Result Status control. [5780, 5633]
- Modernized the look of GoldSim charts by adjusting default font type and foreground colors of axes and labels. [5665]
- Adjusted basic and Custom Color selection for Graphical Object Properties. [5396]
- Added end-user capability to create, store, easily use and share a set of custom colors, all accessible in a new color picker control. [4799]
- Replaced insensitive computer engineering terminology 'Master' and 'Slave' with 'Controller' and 'Client' in all of GoldSim's distributed processing components. [5746]
Enhancements and Corrections in 14.0
- Replaced 'Capture Point' terminology with 'Capture Time'. [5799]
- Added user options to Sum element to sort, adjust order, and delete all input items. [3431]
- Added new Dashboard Button action to reset a Player model. [5195]
- Added additional themes to GoldSim application and added theme support to GoldSim Player application. [5659]
- Retired GoldSim Slave Manager product. [5761]
- Fixed an issue where GoldSim would crash when an element property is closed or the 'Download Now' after viewing the Database tab with no Data Sources defined. The issue was corrected for Data, Table and Stochastic elements. [5819]
- Added a user option to sort scenario names in Active Scenario dashboard control. [5790]
- Added a user options to the Active Scenario Selector dashboard control to show/hide various features of the control (run, run all, etc.). [5767]
- Added EULA for GoldSim Player to GoldSim installation (was previously only present in the Player only installer). [5727]
- Fixed high-DPI scaling issues of check box controls in various user interface components (DP Controller, Versioning, Monte Carlo Options). [5816]
- Changed implementation of the erf() function as well as all internal references to the erf-function to use the C++ standard library math function. [5811]
- Fixed issues with the scaling of import/export indicator icons in the property dialogs of Spreadsheet and Time Series element. [5814]
- Corrected an issue that would erroneously allow a user to access and edit the Result Element property dialog in GoldSim Player file by right-clicking on on Result Element. [5806]
- Corrected the width of column headers of Lookup Table data grids rendered on high-DPI displays. [5810]
- Corrected the email address associated with email icon in upper right of GoldSim Help pages. [5682]
- Improved the grouping label for saving output results Pipe and Aquifer elements. [5731]
- Unified property page layout of Reference Fluid and Fluid elements. [5776]
- Corrected issues with inconsistent IDs in Reliability success and failure trees, fixed memory leak. [5809]
- Corrected an issue with incorrect rendering of the last row in the definition table of the Random Choice element on high-DPI displays. [5628]
- Corrected inconsistent behavior between 'Reset Model' toolbar button and 'Reset Model' dashboard button in GoldSim Player. [5807]
- Added 'Open Example…' to File menu in GoldSim Player. [5800]
- Limited the number of items shown in Table and TimeSeries insert function menus to guarantee correct insertion in input editor. [5805]
- Changed icon and symbol of Array View result element. [5801]
- Removed a warning in regards to unit 'mon' ("Because the 'mon' unit represents an average month of 30.4375 days this unit may not be what you really want."). [5623]
- Upgraded toolbar in Note window and Rich-Text Box editor and added support for high-DPI displays. [5669]
- Improved layout of Interrupt element's message to top when also showing element and simulation information [5686]
- Removed 'Tabs in Pasted Text' options from Model Options dialog. [5673]
- Removed the 'default line and polyline style' option from Model Options dialog. [5672]
- Removed 'Use saved container scale and position' from Model Options dialog. [5670]
- Added the ability to disable the coloring of the application window Status Bar to indicate Application Mode (Edit, Result, Scenario Mode). [5660]
- Update model inventory capability to include Data definitions. [5626]
- Added shortcut key Ctrl-D to switch dashboard mode between 'Active' and 'Editable'. [5617]
- Fixed an issue that would incorrectly label the Activation ID as Entitlement ID under GoldSim License System Details. [5652]
- Fixed an issue that prevented the selection of pure black (RGB=xFFFFFF) for graphical text. [5688]
- Fixed an issue that caused the 'Stop' and 'Pause' toolbar buttons to disappear during the simulation. [5680]
- Fixed a graphical rendering issue with the Run Control toolbar because of incorrectly calculated height. [5658]
- Added ability to determine whether or not MS-Excel is installed on computer and to gracefully handle attempts to run model or edit elements requiring MS-Excel when it is not present. [5621]
- Added support for copying text in the Note window using the Ctrl-C shortcut. [5677]
- Added support for cutting text in the Note window using the Ctrl-X shortcut. [5678]
- Adjusted the default background color of dashboards to align with GoldSim basic color set. [5679]
- Increased the region and clickable area of input/output ports and Container plus components on elements for better click detection. [5664]
- Improved description formatting in model version report. [5625]
- Improved performance of moving elements while note pane is docked. [5532]
- Fixed an issue that would cause GoldSim to crash when Model is selected as precedent in Causality Sequence. [5823]
- Corrected Species editor behavior that incorrectly marked ICRP Stoichiometry values editable instead of read-only. [5824]
- Fixed an issue that would generate an invalid operation floating-point exception in the Information Delay element under rare conditions. [5740]
Release Notes GoldSim 12.1
Enhancements and Corrections in 12.1.5 (#277)
GoldSim 12.1.6 is a maintenance release (Update 6) of GoldSim 12.1.
- RL Component Availability output not being reinitialized after realization one. [5758]
- Font size of the chart context menu 'chart component' too small. [5769]
- Stochastic Cumulative Probability output not sending update notifications; downstream elements may not get updated. [5771]
- Opening Simulation Settings dialog during simulation causes GoldSim to crash. [5764]
- Improve integrity protection of model structure while simulating; disallow various user actions. [5765]
- Status Result Control Showing Incorrect State Value and Icon. [5763]
- Changing distribution plot fails when input is not updated for Externally-defined Distribution. [5791]
- GoldSim Player allows to browse model when saving player as "Allow the user to browse the file" unchecked. [5798]
Enhancements and Corrections in 12.1.5 (#263)
GoldSim 12.1.5 is a maintenance release (Update 5) of GoldSim 12.1. It was released on July 16, 2020.
- Made a minor correction to the command line reference, which had incorrect information about -d flag usage. [5715]
- Fixed row headers in the table view of the Time History element to correctly display dates prior to Dec-30-1899 (i.e. negative Julian times). [5716]
- Fixed an issue where an 'On Changed' Triggered Event element did not trigger on the first change in the output of a Time Series element linked to a Time Series definition from a SubModel. [5717]
- Recently changed values of Dashboard Combo and List Box items are lost when using Move Up or Down commands. [5724]
- Player File Generator Wizard dialog renders some text correctly on high-DPI screen. [5726]
- Excel Location Selection Dialog is not appearing when configuring excel export while viewing on secondary screen. [5733]
- Unscheduled time step causes crash when viewing a high resolution time history result in table format. [5736]
- EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION occurs calculating moving average in Integrator inside Looping Container. [5738]
- 'Initial Value' label cut off in RL Module's Control Variable dialog. [5741]
- Array Label Set Base Style 'Reapply' does not Reapply when cell in Style column is active. [5745]
- Container name still referenced after globalizing a Localized Container. [5725]
- Floating-point exception in RL 'LogNormal - Geo. Mean and S.D.' Failure Mode with non-zero Initial Value of Control Variable. [5742]
- Error in Stochastic Gamma distribution for low values. [5744]
- Time History results not exported to Excel after distributed processing (DP) run. [5721]
- Incorrect in RL 'LogNormal - True Mean and S.D.' Failure Mode with non-zero Initial Value of Control Variable. [5743]
- Period time step that does not divide evenly into basic step erroneously allowed. [5748]
Note: If your model's time settings define one or more 'Periods that use shorter timesteps' (in Advanced Time Settings) you are strongly advised to verify the correctness of the period definition. To do so, please load your model in Edit Mode, open the Simulation Settings dialog, and then open the 'Advanced Time Settings' dialog ('Advanced...' button). Any invalid period definition will be shown in red. Open the period's edit dialog to see the cause of the error and correct it accordingly.
- Additional timesteps may be scheduled just before a period end due to round-off. [5718]
- Zero Standard Deviation in non-scalar Stochastic Normal distribution causes invalid parameter validation. [5750]
- Min/Max relationship of Truncated Normal Distribution not tested if SD equals 0.0. [5751]
- Improve error message if bounds of Stochastic truncated Normal distribution have same probability level. [5752]
- Support CF_DIBV5 clipboard format (Windows 10 Snip & Sketch app). [5753]
- File element dialog text scaling issue. [5755]
- Exception Access Violation Error when multiple Time History Results export to different files with the same name. [5747]
- Update GoldSim and GoldSim Player EULA. [5734]
Enhancements and Corrections in 12.1.4 (#235)
GoldSim 12.1.4 is a maintenance release (Update 4) of GoldSim 12.1. It was released on October 21, 2019.
- Fixed an issue in the Time History Result Export tab that caused some text to be cut off when viewed on a high dpi screen. [5666]
- Fixed an issue in the Gamma and Pearson stochastics that could cause GoldSim to hang with certain parameter values. [5667]
- Fixed a UI issue in the Distribution Result in which the text 'Conditional Tail Expectation' was cut off. [5668]
- Fixed a UI issue that occurred at some Windows display scalings when editing text in the GoldSim graphics pane. [5671]
- Made the initial width of a Text component larger so that default text is not wrapped at some Windows display scalings. [5674]
- Fixed a UI issue that occurred at some Windows display scalings in the Font tab of the Appearance dialog and in the chart property font editor. [5675]
- Fixed a UI issue in which the Materials container (in CT models) appeared too large at some Windows display scalings. [5681]
- Fixed an issue with how the Date-Time Picker is rendered in a dashboard at some Windows display scalings. [5684]
- Fixed a UI issue in which some labels in the Time tab of the Simulation Settings dialog were cut off at some Windows display scalings. [5685]
- Fixed a UI issue in the causality sequence dialog where icons in the 'T' column were cut off at some Windows display scalings. [5689]
- Fixed UI issues in the Cell Pathway properties dialog where several labels were cut off at some Windows display scalings. [5690]
- Fixed an issue where GoldSim could crash when configuring the use of Resources on a system with a non-English language setting (e.g., German and Swedish). [5692]
- Fixed an issue with table sorting in the Distribution Result element where it would only sort properly after clicking the sort button a second time. [5695]
- Corrected the behavior of Looping Containers during a simulation abort so that partial results are properly saved (previously, results saving was skipped). [5696]
- Fixed an issue where GoldSim allowed deletion of in-use custom units if the units were cast to dimensionless everywhere they were used. [5698]
- Fixed an issue in the Multivariate Result element where the 'Chart Style' toolbar icon did not toggle to the sort icon when switching from chart to table view and vice versa. [5699]
- Fixed a UI issue in the Scenario Data editor where, for some Windows display scalings, the text in pop-up edit controls was cut off. [5700]
- Fixed a UI issue in the 'Run Optimization' tab of the Optimization dialog where labels and other text in the 'Top Results' table were cut off at some Windows display scalings. [5702]
- Added a new capability to the experimental Test & Fix Model Integrity function (invoked with Ctrl+F10) to detect and correct graphical models that have a corrupt or out-of-range origin. [5707]
- Fixed an issue that could result in a Cell media warning ("reference fluid changing too rapidly") being shown erroneously. [5710]
- Added support for setting simulation start time, end time, and duration in GoldSim and the Player using command line flags ('-starttime', '-endtime', and '-duration'). [5711]
- Fixed an issue that could lead to random crashes when using Reliability components in SubModels. [5712]
Enhancements and Corrections in 12.1.3 (#192)
GoldSim 12.1.3 is a maintenance release (Update 3) of GoldSim 12.1. It was released on March 20, 2019.
- Upgraded GoldSim projects (12.1 and Pascal) and GLSActUtil to FlexNet Publisher and added support for License Server [5653]
- Added licensing support for a new element-limited GoldSim Trial license. [5654]
- Added capability to query for a license server vendor daemon version number from the License Manager. [5656]
- Modified the Gamma distribution to avoid arbitrary cutoff at values less than about 1e-06 of the mean (reduced to 1e-18 of the mean). [5657]
- Fixed an issue in the array label set editor where changes to set member styles were not preserved after closing the editor. [5661]
- Fixed an issue in the Reservoir and Pool elements that caused discrete changes (addition or withdrawal) not to be applied at time zero if upper or lower bounds were not static. [5663]
Enhancements and Corrections in 12.1.2 (#166)
GoldSim 12.1.2 is a maintenance release (Update 2) of GoldSim 12.1. It was released on February 8, 2019.
- Fixed an issue in the Script Element where a change in the case of one or more characters in a variable name was not applied. [5609]
- Fixed an issue in the Network License Configuration dialog that caused text to be cut off on high dpi screens at different text scalings. [5613]
- Fixed an issue that caused Triggering Type text (in the trigger definition dialog) to be cut off on high resolution displays. [5635]
- Fixed a typo in a Time Series lookup function error message. [5636]
- Fixed a screen resizing issue for the Period Timesteps editing dialog. [5643]
- Improved object-persistence performance (i.e. loading/saving of model data, clipboard operations). [5644]
- Improved the loading performance of large result arrays in Distribution-type outputs. [5646]
- Improved the performance of creating cell-nets and generating their causality sequence. [5647]
- Improved the performance of broadcasting notifications to GoldSim components by preventing element-only messages to reach inputs, outputs, expressions and expression nodes. [5648]
- Added information in the Container Element Information tab about the total number of inputs and outputs (including all elements of non-scalar inputs/outputs). [5649]
- Fixed an error that occurred in the Pipe Element when handling particulate matter and matrix diffusion. [5650]
- Added the ability to export all final value results for outputs referenced by a Multi-Variate result element. [5651]
Enhancements and Corrections in 12.1.1 (#146)
GoldSim 12.1.1 is a maintenance release (Update 1) of GoldSim 12.1. It was released on November 1, 2018.
- Fixed a divide by zero error that occurred in a discrete change Time Series set to Calendar Time with the first date entry equal to the simulation start date. [5539]
- Fixed an issue that could give rise to an internal error when trying to move an Interrupt Element into a Container. [5549]
- Improved autocomplete in equation fields so that it would work with diacritic marks like ä or ö. [5565]
- Fixed an issue in the Time Series element that caused an error when importing from an Excel column at or beyond IW. [5566]
- Fixed an issue with the array label set editor that could cause data in a vector Time Series element to be reset to zero. [5567]
- Fixed an issue that caused GoldSim to crash if it was set to save high resolution results and a Time History element was opened in pause mode at time zero. [5568]
- Modified Ctrl-double-click behavior in Result Mode for a Reliability element with children elements so that it enters the container rather than opening the properties dialog. [5569]
- Fixed an issue that caused GoldSim to crash when deleting all elements of a type (using Ctrl-Delete) in Class View. [5570]
- Fixed an issue that could cause flickering in an equation input field on a HD display with text scaling greater than 100%. [5571]
- Limited the maximum supported precision for dashboard input controls to 14 significant figures to prevent display of imprecise digits that arise from machine imprecision in the representation of floating point numbers. [5572]
- Fixed an issue that caused a result chart window using %rdesc% or %rname% to not update immediately when the description or name was changed. [5575]
- Improved high DPI support in the model versioning dialog to scale text (specifically for version numbers) to fit. [5576]
- Modified how warnings are displayed and recorded to the run log for a Pipe Pathway element when the specified dispersivity is too small to be accurately represented. [5577]
- Improved high DPI support in the thermometer dashboard control dialog to better scale text and drop-list controls. [5579]
- Fixed an Excel communication issue that generated the following error: "The RPC server is unavailable." [5580]
- Fixed an issue in the Species element that generated an erroneous " not included...but has a significant half-life" message that was written to the run log. [5581]
- Improved high DPI support in the Species Element properties dialog to better scale text. [5582]
- Implemented a fix to prevent browsing of a Player model (where browsing has been disabled) by means of Ctrl-F or the Find button. [5583]
- Improved high DPI support in the Stochastic Element properties dialog for the Cumulative distribution to better scale text. [5584]
- Improved how hyperlink components on dashboards are rendered with different screen/text scaling so that text is not cut off. [5586]
- Implemented a fix to skip jumping to an Interrupt Element in Pause Mode in a Player model in which browsing has been disabled. [5595]
- Modified the Interrupt Element to provide only two options ('None' and 'This Interrupt Element') for the 'On Pause, Select this Element' feature to avoid an error that could cause model corruption. [5596]
- Modified Spreadsheet Element import from cell ranges to no longer attempt a text to double conversion when text is encountered in the spreadsheet (now this generates an error message). [5597]
- Fixed font issues at 150% DPI scaling in various dialogs. [5598]
- Implemented code to better manage invalid SubModel interface distribution-type inputs/outputs to prevent possible crashing. [5599]
- Implemented several performance optimizations related to drawing the graphics pane and element icons. [5600, 5601, 5602, 5603, 5604, 5605, 5606, 5607]
New in GoldSim 12.1 (#106)
GoldSim 12.1 was released on June 27, 2018. It is a major new version and introduces numerous new features and capabilities to GoldSim, as well as many enhancements and corrections. For an overview of new features and changes, please refer to document GoldSim 12.1 Summary.pdf. A link is available in the GoldSim 12.1 program group in the Windows start menu.
New features are described below:
- Added support for embedded result charts in dashboards, allowing display of Time History, Result Distribution, Multivariate and Array View results in chart or table view. [4139]
- Added a 'Show Path' option to the background context menu of the browser Class View to show or hide Element paths. [4378]
- Added 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' buttons to the Selector Element to allow reordering of switches. [4424]
- Added an option to the Time History element to allow export of history statistics (i.e. probabilities) to Excel for multi-realization Monte Carlo simulations. [5164, 5544]
- Added real-time update support to Time History, Result Distribution, Multivariate and Array View elements to allow visualization of results (without pausing) as the simulation progresses. [5194]
- Added support to export the containment view of a model as an XML file. [5475]
- Made the graphic canvas 'Export to File' function high-DPI aware and added support for accurate scaling. [5514]
- Improved the rendering of multi-line text components to support zoom levels or system text scaling other than 100%. [5517]
- Modified the Run and Pause Mode behavior of the GoldSim application window to allow it to be minimized using the minimize button in the title bar. [5518]
- Modified the 'Go to referencing control' context menu of an element to show also a list of dashboard controls whose visibility or active/disabled state is controlled by that element's value. [5535]
- Added X,Y position and size (width, height) information in the left portion of the status bar of the application window when a dashboard component is selected in a deactivated dashboard in Edit Mode. [5536]
- Added support to detect when a result element has one or more invalid references and write warning messages to the run log. [5541]
- Added a key modifier (Ctrl+double-click) to allow a result window to be opened in Edit mode. [5558]
Enhancements and Corrections in 12.1
- Fixed a versioning issue so that changes to the data source setting of Data, Stochastic and Table Elements are now recorded in the version history. [5144]
- Disabled Time History results export when configured for SubModel Time results. [5418]
- Addressed an issue in the Spreadsheet Element that could result in the erroneous display of an 'invalid unit string' message when validating the reference to a unit cell in Excel. [5427]
- Fixed an issue with the Reliability Element properties dialog so that failure mode descriptions are preserved and displayed in the requirements and failure trees after saving, closing and re-opening a model file. [5486]
- Addressed a cloning issue in the Convolution Element that could result in an inconsistent state after changing the transfer function setting in one of the clones. [5493]
- Modified the display format of numerical values in the Sensitivity Analysis Result Data window to no longer show trailing zeros and to reflect the significant figures and scientific notation settings in Model|Options. [5511]
- Fixed the "Export" and "Copy" buttons in the Sensitivity Analysis Result Data window to properly export or copy when clicked. [5512]
- Fixed an issue with the GoldSim status bar so that it properly refreshes when the 'New' toolbar button or File menu option is selected while a model is in Scenario Mode. [5513]
- Addressed a font scaling issue when switching from a high-DPI laptop display to a normal DPI external monitor. [5515]
- Resolved an issue to allow installation of GoldSim using MSI package in Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012. [5516]
- Updated the Cell-net icon that appears in the 'Affects View' and 'Function Of View' Browser windows for a Cell Element. [5519]
- Addressed an issue that prevented correct parsing of complex equations with Table or Time Series functions. [5522]
- Corrected Browser right-click context menu behavior to show the Data Source selection dialog when the 'Change DataSource...' context menu option is selected. [5523]
- Corrected Spreadsheet Element export behavior in a Conditional Container so that it properly exports output values of static Elements. [5524]
- Modified how expressions are parsed and validated to prevent an 'Encountered an improper argument' error message when a '+' sign is typed into a blank input field. [5525]
- Addressed an issue that could cause dashboard controls to snap to an incorrect location after being hosted in the scenario data dialog. [5526]
- Fixed an issue that caused a Binomial Stochastic to calculate an incorrect cumulative probability and show an incorrect (negative) probability in the PDF preview for a value equal to the batch size. [5527]
- Fixed an issue that caused all sub-items of a vector Bionomial Stochastic to use the same input properties (batch size and probability) as the first sub-item. [5528]
- Fixed an issue that generated an "Encountered an improper argument" error message in a model with aquifer elements inside cloned containers when the model was run while inside a dashboard. [5530]
- Changed the line styles used for charts which show results for multiple outputs and scenarios. [5531]
- Fixed an issue in the Time Series element so that time values with fractional seconds are now properly rounded (rather than the ceiling function being applied, which could result in identical time values). [5533]
- Renamed the Dashboard 'Result Box' component to 'Result Display'. [5538]
- Fixed a minor user interface glitch in the Fund Element that caused the 'Based on' drop-list to become disabled when it should have been enabled. [5540]
- Warning messages associated with excessive turnover rates and inflow and outflow imbalances within Cells (in the Contaminant Transport Module) have been improved (e.g., in GoldSim 12, excessive turnover rate messages could appear unnecessarily under some circumstances). [5545, 5563]
- Fixed an issue with Time History results exporting (specifically statistics history results) that could cause GoldSim to crash with an 'out of memory' error message. [5546]
- Fixed an issue that caused wrapped expressions in input fields to not display correctly at 150% screen resolution. [5547]
- Added a more informative error message when one attempts to borrow a network license without providing an activation ID. [5550]
- Added a more informative error message when a Time Series element that imports from Excel contains an invalid cell reference. [5552]
- Implemented /arch:SSE2 compilation for code used in Laplace transform calculations in the Pipe and Network elements for improved run time performance. [5554]
- Added text to the GoldSim license manager error log to display date and time of the error. [5555]
- Fixed an issue with the simulation speed control that caused changes to not register if the slider was adjusted by clicking to the left or right of the slider handle. [5557]
- Improved the grid column width in the Scenario Data dialog on high-DPI displays so that the width is a function of display scale. [5560]
- Modified the Subsystem Container tool-tip to display precedence requirements. [5561]
Release Notes GoldSim 12.0
New in GoldSim 12.0 (Build #379)
GoldSim 12.0 was released on February 13, 2017. It is a major new version and introduces numerous new features and capabilities to GoldSim, as well as many enhancements and corrections. For an overview of new features and changes, please refer to document GoldSim 12.0 Summary.pdf. A link is available in the GoldSim 12.0 program group in the Windows start menu.
New features are described below:
- Updated layout of Lookup Table properties page, replaced dimensions drop-list with radio buttons and added name fields for Lookup Table independent variables (displayed as labels in the Edit dialog). [3430]
- Added context menu with list of recently-visited containers to the 'Go Forward' or 'Go Back' navigation buttons (accessed by left-click-hold) to allow jumping to one of these containers. [3670]
- Modified behavior of the array label set selection drop-list (in Element output 'Type' dialogs) to list the array label set names in alphabetical order. [4487]
- Added support for remote desktop use of a standalone license on non-server operating systems. [4525]
- Added support for pasting a set of copied values (e.g. from a spreadsheet) into an Input Grid control in a dashboard. [4677]
- Redesigned the appearance and behavior of Element input and output ports and added support for three port display modes (none, smart and all). [4857]
- Added a 'Run All' button to the Active Scenario Selector dashboard control that runs all scenarios currently without results (in GoldSim and the Player). [5198]
- Added a "Time Series Functions" sub-menu (within the "Functions" menu) in the context menu of an input field that shows all Time Series Elements in the model. [5294]
- Added support to enable selection of individual columns and the entire table of data in Time Series and Lookup Table Elements. [5304]
- Integrated new element icons (both core elements and module elements). [5320]
- Replaced the GDI-based rendering engine for element icons with a new GDI+ version to improve presentation quality of GoldSim elements and inserted or pasted EMF images in the graphics pane. [5321]
- Modified the behavior of Spreadsheet Elements to automatically adjust cell ranges on non-scalar inputs/outputs when the size of an array label set is changed. [5325]
- Added support for high-DPI displays with scaled font sizes. [5333]
- Redesigned and implemented new icons used in various browser tree windows in GoldSim. [5336]
- Designed and implemented a GUI-based application to activate and manage server licenses for GoldSim products. [5353]
- Added a right-click context menu option, 'Edit Vertices', to allow editing vertices of graphical objects (e.g. polygons, polycurves and closed curves). [5381]
- Redesigned and updated the GoldSim graphical user interface and application framework (including the main window, dockable windows, toolbars, status bar and context menus). [5403]
- Implemented a new GoldSim Start Screen that supports a longer 'recent models' list, supports high DPI, provides a link to the GoldSim Help Center and supports shortcut keys for opening recent or existing models, closing the Start Screen or launching the Help Center. [5410]
- Implemented a new GoldSim Player Start Screen that supports a longer 'recent models' list, supports high DPI and supports shortcut keys for opening recent or existing models, closing the Start Screen or launching the Help Center. [5411]
- Added a new Element insertion toolbar with a button for each category of core Elements and also a button for each module. [5412]
- Removed the floating Run Controller and integrated all of its features into the main application window. A new 'Run Control' toolbar was added and run information is now shown in the status bar. [5422]
- Added support for three levels of element port visibility: All, Smart and None. [5423]
- Added chart style keyword %#creal%, which displays the number of completed realizations (regardless of realization screening). [5433]
- Redesigned the Player GUI (shows an application GUI even if no model file selected; provides a standard menu and toolbar; run controller eliminated and incorporated into toolbar and status bar) [5434]
- Added chart style keyword %mctype%, which displays the Monte Carlo type (Probabilistic or Deterministic) [5438]
- Added chart style keyword %ctprec%, which displays CT solution precision. [5439]
- Removed the search window from containment and class view browsers and made search functionality accessible via a toolbar Find button and a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-F). [5448]
- Redesigned the browser window (class and containment views) to provide better support for a floating (undocked) state. [5462]
- Added a new Pool Element similar to the existing Reservoir Element with the added capability of itemizing and allocating outflows based on the individual requests (and their priorities) that drive them. [5476]
- Added support to use the Fund Element in 'At Stock'-type triggers. [5482]
- Enabled sorting in the Insert Link (output selection) browser. [5485]
- Added support in GoldSim and GoldSim Player to copy the path to the current model location by right-clicking the Navigation Bar and selecting 'Copy path to clipboard'. [5494]
- Updated the clone property page to make it more useful and nicer looking. [5498]
- Added the ability to browse to a model location in GoldSim and GoldSim Player based on a path in the clipboard by right-clicking the Navigation Bar and selecting 'Browse to path from clipboard'. [5501]
- Added support in GoldSim to copy the path to an element by right-clicking the element and selecting 'Copy path' from the context menu. [5502]
- Made automatic reassignment of realizations in a distributed processing run optional and added support for a registry key to allow enabling of reassignment. [4462,5505]
- Modified clone navigation behavior to not only navigate to the parent container of the cloned element, but also select it in the graphics pane and scroll it into view. [5507]
- Added or revised three warning messages in the contaminant transport module (related to high turnover rate, emptying of a Cell and imbalance in inflows and outflows) [5508]
Enhancements and Corrections in 12.0
- Addressed issues with graphics when using a high DPI setting. [4024,4263]
- Modified Element tool-tip behavior to show the entire Element description. [4434]
- Changed the name of the Yucca Mountain Database to 'Extended GoldSim Database'. [4680]
- Increased the maximum variable name size in the Script Element from 10 to 20. [4785]
- Disabled the option (in the toolbar and the Graphics menu) to rotate when an Element is selected. [4813]
- Expanded description fields for Elements, variable definitions in the Script Element and input/output interface items in the External and SubModel Elements; Vertical scrolling is now supported. [4819,5343]
- Reservoir properties dialog was redesigned for clarity with new labels and 'Definition', 'Additions' and 'Withdrawal Requests' sections. [5193]
- Disabled zooming while viewing a dashboard. [5218]
- Added the following note (clarifying designed behavior) in the Conditionality tab of a Conditional Container: "If a Container is deactivated due to an operating Resource Requirement not being met or deactivation of a parent Container, the Container is considered to neither have terminated nor completed." [5240]
- Increased the limit of dynamic references in 'Go to Referencing Control' and 'Go to Referenc(ing/ed) Results' context menus from 20 to 100. [5273]
- Improved the validation of data returned from External DLL function calls. [5274]
- Added a button to the General tab of the Options dialog to make the currently-running version of GoldSim the default program for opening .gsm files. [5284]
- Moved the Lookup Table item in the Insert Element menu from the Functions category to the Inputs category. [5295]
- Modified the Data element to no longer clear its input field when the data type is changed (e.g. when the unit dimension changes). [5312]
- Decreased width of Discrete and Cumulative Stochastic input grids to improve behavior when specifying probabilities and values. [5313]
- Fixed an issue where GoldSim or the Player could crash if multiple timestep or realization advance actions are received before dashboard control hide/disable states are fully updated. [5316]
- Modified behavior of Stochastic properties dialog to always show the expanded version when any advanced setting (including deterministic value) is not set to the default. [5317]
- Improved element alignment, grid snapping, resizing and element icon resetting. [5319]
- Updated upgrade handlers for Integrator, Table, External and Spreadsheet Elements to call base class handlers before invoking their own. [5324]
- Upgraded version of the Stingray MFC extension (graphics) library that GoldSim uses. [5327]
- Removed TAB support from simple text component (required in order to improve the quality of text rendering). Tabs are converted to 4 spaces in converted models. [5331]
- Upgraded text rendering function to improve the quality of text in the graphics pane, especially at different zoom levels or when using high-DPI displays. [5332]
- Changed the default vertical alignment setting for the Text object from "Center" to "Top". [5334]
- Changed the default to transparent for border line and background fill for inserted and pasted image components (EMF or raster). [5335]
- Increased the distance between grid nodes to improve the ability to align elements and components on the graphical canvas. [5338]
- Changed the font used for Element IDs and the default font for graphical text components from Arial 10 pts to Calibri 11 pts. [5339]
- Increased the maximum allowed number of scheduled updates in a simulation from 1 million to 2 million. [5345]
- Changed the "Container" item label in the Insert Element menu to "Containers". [5350]
- Updated the GoldSim and GoldSim Player application and .gsm and .gsp file icons. [5351]
- Fixed an issue that caused the Player start screen to stay open when a file was opened after an initial unsuccessful attempt. [5359]
- Implemented a binary search algorithm for the lookup function on a Time Series Element to improve performance. [5366,5400,5409]
- Changed "Use conveyer-belt approach" to "Use conveyor-belt approach" in the Event Delay and Discrete Change Delay Element properties dialogs. [5377]
- Removed obsolete code after integrating Flexnet Licensing into the current version. [5378]
- Fixed an issue that caused text to be resized to 100% when a text box in a zoomed container was opened and closed. [5379]
- Removed the 0 point (1 pixel) line width and added support for non-solid line styles for all line widths. [5383]
- Updated the look and behavior of the Appearance dialog used for editing graphical attributes of graphical components and Elements. [5384]
- Added double-click support to open the Appearance dialog for graphical components. [5385]
- Improved the drawing (rendering) quality of basic graphical components added to the Container or Dashboard canvas. [5387]
- Changed the order in which Integrator Element outputs are displayed in the output port so that the primary output is always first. [5388]
- Fixed an issue where the change of an Element symbol caused a loss of line and fill styles. [5390]
- Modified appearance of a Data Element providing scenario data to show an orange pencil instead of green. [5391]
- Updated the built-in type-specific and custom colors for influence lines. [5393]
- Added support for changing the vertical alignment in a text component when the 'Multiple Lines' option is selected. [5400]
- Updated Extrema Element icons in browsers and Element tool-tips to indicate the peak/valley setting. [5401]
- Behavior of GoldSim when creating a new model was changed so that the Simulation Settings dialog is no longer shown. [5404]
- Increased the size of the 'most recently used' files list from 4 to allow up to 8 model files to be shown in the start screen and up to 16 in the File menu. [5405]
- Fixed an issue where the Escape key, if pressed to close a dialog, would instead close the note pane (if open). [5406]
- Updated web links in the Help menu to point to the forum and support request page in the new GoldSim Help Center. [5413]
- Removed the 'Begin simulation immediately on entering Run Mode' checkbox in Model|Options (General tab) and made this the default behavior. [5420]
- Removed the option 'Show Run Controller in Result Mode' from the General page of the Options dialog (the Run Controller has been removed from GoldSim). [5421]
- Disabled the "Right-click to insert element here" tool-tip hint that appears in an empty Container. [5424]
- Added access to the User License Agreement via a link in the About GoldSim dialog (Help|About GoldSim). [5425]
- Changed the default behavior of GoldSim after installation to no longer show the Note pane. [5426]
- Changed the name of 'Cum_Emitted' outputs to 'EventCount' (affects Timed Event, Triggered Event, Discrete Change, Event Delay and Discrete Change Delay Elements); Element output tooltips also changed accordingly. [5430]
- Fixed an issue that caused the scroll bar in the causality sequence dialog to disappear when removing a precedent. [5431]
- Removed the "Zoom to Fit" option from GoldSim and removed the "Zoom" item from the Graphics menu and also from the right-click context menu in the graphics pane (zoom capability is provided by the status bar). [5432]
- Removed the ability to switch GoldSim and the Player application windows into full screen mode. [5435]
- Removed zoom popup menu from main menu and removed zoom and view menus from graphics pane context menu (these capabilities are available in the application main menu, main toolbar and status bar). [5436]
- Disabled access to the axis-editing dialog (available via the Chart Style toolbar button) in the properties dialog of the Stochastic Element when not in full chart view. [5445]
- Changed Player file open behavior to prevent the Player from loading a .gsp file from an older product version. [5446]
- Corrected an issue where an inserted Time Series Element would appear in the Container group of the browser class view if subitems were shown. [5447]
- Fixed an issue in the Discrete and Cumulative distribution definition dialogs (of the Stochastic Element) where clicking into a "Value" cell would shift the table so that only the "value" column was visible. [5449]
- Corrected an issue in the Result Distribution chart display where the legend or text objects could appear too close to the edge of the window. [5452]
- Fixed an issue where, after closing out of the Edit... dialog of a Stochastic Element, the selection could switch to a different Element. [5453]
- Uniformly limited the length of element and input/output descriptions to 250 characters. [5454]
- Corrected an issue that caused output ports to remain green in Edit Mode when the View|Highlight Saved Results was turned on and then turned off. [5458]
- Equations in the last row of the input grid for the Splitter and Random Choice Elements have been replaced by text ("Remaining Fraction", "Remaining Amount" and "Remaining Probability") [5461]
- Fixed a minor issue where the properties dialog of a sealed Container would not refresh after the seal was removed. [5463]
- Upgraded 3rd party libraries to the latest available versions and upgraded all code modules to Visual Studio 2015. [5464]
- Relabeled 'GoldSim Pro' as 'GoldSim' (in the application title bar and the license dialog) [5465]
- Updated the appearance of the Note View window (removed horizontal bar with Element name and incorporated name into title bar). [5466]
- Shortened the title bar text in the 'Locations' dialog for Resources (removed the words "Elements with") [5467]
- Corrected the status text in the dialog of a running slave to show "Running simulation…" rather than "Waiting for a request from master". [5468]
- Changed the default for a new influence line label to Calibri 11pt and transparent line style. [5470]
- Fixed an issue with message routing in browser views. [5471]
- Fixed an issue where a model file would be marked modified upon first opening if the initial container had a note. [5472]
- Upgraded GLSActUtil to FNP toolkit and Visual Studio 2015. [5473]
- Removed the line property from element label (ID) components. [5477]
- Corrected the start and end points of drawn Bezier influence lines when the label (ID) is centered inside the element image. [5478]
- Corrected drawing and clipboard issue with expanded Aquifer Element in Run Mode. [5479]
- Removed 'View Current' and 'View Combined' buttons from the failure mode definition dialog of the Source element. [5480]
- Widened the label column of the 'Percentiles' and 'Statistics' grids of the Distribution Result window. [5481]
- Fixed two typos in the dashboard grid control properties dialog. [5484]
- Fixed an issue that could cause GoldSim to crash if a Reliability Element is right-clicked and then an Element is immediately inserted from the Model|Insert Element menu. [5487]
- Fixed an issue that made it so a selection of Elements (selected by Ctrl+A or by the selection rectangle) could not be moved using cursor keys. [5488]
- Fixed an issue that could result in Table, Time Series and Interrupt Element input and output ports not correctly showing external links in converted models. [5489]
- Corrected the sequencing implementation of the Fund Element to match the Integrator and Reservoir Elements. [5490]
- Corrected an issue that caused a progress dialog to remain visible after successfully launching a GoldSim.exe slave using the -slave flag. [5491]
- Corrected an issue that could cause the GoldSim Player to crash when opening a Player file by double-clicking. [5492]
- Fixed an issue that could cause GoldSim to crash when changing the size of an indexed array label set. [5495]
- Fixed an issue that could result in a text box from another container being shown after a model file has been converted from a previous version. [5496]
- Corrected an issue that could cause GoldSim to crash when attempting to edit an element after loading and migrating a model file that contains errors. [5497]
- Corrected an issue that could result in incorrect placement of buttons and gradual narrowing of the 'If' column when repeatedly resizing the Selector Element dialog. [5499]
- Corrected an issue that caused text pasted in the graphics pane to be scaled inappropriately if the graphics pane scale factor was not 100%. [5500]
- Improved runtime performance when aborting or skipping the remainder of a realization by allowing GoldSim to ignore the maximum timestep length value. [5503]
- Corrected an issue with the Pool Element where names of elements referencing Pool outflows were not shown in the "Affects" view. [5504]
- Fixed an issue that could result in elements being scaled incorrectly in the graphics pane of a converted model when the system text scaling is not set to 100%. [5506]
- Fixed an issue that resulted in disproportionate scaling of width and height dimensions when using the 'Same Size' Layout option to resize element icons. [5509]
- Made a correction to the Pool Element so that the Overflow output always takes its unit from the user-specified flow unit. [5510]
Release Notes GoldSim 11.1
Enhancements and Corrections in 11.1.7
GoldSim 11.1.7 is a maintenance release (update 7) of GoldSim 11.1. It was released on November 8, 2016.
- Corrected an issue that caused vector Reservoirs with a moving upper bound to calculate erroneous overflows under some specific circumstances. [5367]
- Added an option to turn off the reassignment of unfinished realizations to idle slaves during a distributed processing run. [5457]
- Added the ability to recognize certificate licenses in addition to trusted storage based licenses. [5460]
- Corrected an issue that caused license activation to fail on a computer with a name containing non-ASCII characters. [5474]
- Corrected an issue that could cause GoldSim to crash when changing requested modules in the network license configuration. [5483]
Enhancements and Corrections in 11.1.6
GoldSim 11.1.6 is a maintenance release (update 6) of GoldSim 11.1. It was released on August 8, 2016.
- Corrected an issue in non-scalar Discrete Change Delay elements which may own an incorrectly configured local property called '~DC_Value'. The invalid property could cause simulation errors or corrupt the model. [5376]
- Corrected an issue with Paste/Move/Clone operations involving an internal-clock Container and references to one or more local properties in a model with Reporting Periods enabled. Under these circumstances the operation likely fails and causes GoldSim to crash. [5386]
- Corrected an issue in the Reliability Component tool-tip where the Mean Time to Repair is shown for the Mean Time to Failure and N/A is always shown for the Mean Time to Repair. [5397]
- Corrected an issue in the Run Controller where the current simulation time may be cut off. [5399]
- Increased the maximum dynamically-controlled duration for a SubModel to 100 billion years. [5402]
- Corrected an issue in the Time Series function (i.e. lookup) capability where an incorrect result may be returned if the Time Series is in a static model. [5414]
- Increased the maximum possible number of displayed SubModel-based histories in a Time History result from 1000 to 10,000. [5415]
- Modified the tool-tip contents for a SubModel to display the function sequence index when "Show causality sequence element tool tips" is enabled in the Causality Sequence dialog. [5428]
- Corrected an issue where a negative discrete change applied to a Pipe or Aquifer element generates an access violation error. Now a proper fatal error message is displayed. [5429]
- Modified time stepping logic to respect (rather than ignore) requests to limit the next time step length even if 'invisibly small' (less than 12 significant figures different from the current etime). [5441]
Enhancements and Corrections in 11.1.5
GoldSim 11.1.5 is a maintenance release (update 5) of GoldSim 11.1. GoldSim 11.1.5 was released on March 3, 2016.
- Improved the Monte Carlo Latin Hypercube Sampling algorithm (LHS) to minimize correlation within non-scalar Stochastic elements. Note that non-scalar Stochastic elements generate different results for any but the first array item (when comparing with results generated in GoldSim 11.1.4; assuming 'Repeat Sampling Sequence' is enabled). For more information search for 'Improved LHS implementation for non-scalar Stochastics' on the GoldSim Help Desk site. [5362]
- Corrected an issue that prevented GoldSim Player from saving the model file using the 'Save' or 'Save as' menu. [5374]
- Fixed an issue that might cause GoldSim to crash when deleting an element from the Array Label Set editor via the 'Show References' window. [5369]
- Fixed an issue that might cause GoldSim to crash when switching the logic-tree state of a Reliability Component while it contains one or more invalid RL Component nodes. [5370]
- Fixed an issue that might cause GoldSim to crash when expanding an invalid RL Component node in the logic-tree of a Reliability Component. [5371]
- Fixed an issue that might cause GoldSim to terminate on Windows 7 when turning off a Reliability Component's 'Model as system' state. [5372]
- Corrected an issue with storing of huge/tiny high resolution history results. GoldSim would trigger an overflow/underflow floating-point exception when converting a result value requiring double precision to single precision. The corrected implementation stores result values exceeding the largest single-precision float value as 3.402823466e+38F and result values smaller than 1.175494351e-38F as zero (0.0). This is analogous to how regular (non high resolution) time history result values are stored. [5373]
- Corrected an issue causing GoldSim to not recognize a valid license on some non-English operating systems. [5375]
Enhancements and Corrections in 11.1.4
GoldSim 11.1.4 is a maintenance release (update 4) of GoldSim 11.1. GoldSim 11.1.4 was released on February 12, 2016. Enhancements and corrections in this version are listed below:
- This release of GoldSim introduces a powerful and flexible licensing system. Detailed information is provided in the GoldSim Licensing End-User Manual, which can be found in the GoldSim installation folder (GoldSim_Licensing.pdf).
Note: The new licensing system is simultaneously introduced for GoldSim products 10.5, 11.0 and 11.1. Updates supporting the new licensing system are available on our website. [5346, 5349, 5355]
- Fixed an issue when exporting multi-variate table data files, which were erroneously placed in the application’s current folder rather than the user-selected folder. [5360]
- Fixed an issue that caused GoldSim to terminate after changing a Time Series element's Data Source from Recording to Locally-defined data. This problem was only observed under the following circumstances: Time Series had no data records and Time Series was referenced using Time Series function. [5361]
- Added ability to filter '\protect' tags from Rich Text Formatted (RTF) data pasted into element notes. The tag causes text to be locked and the note to be applied to any element subsequently selected. [5364]
- Fixed an issue causing inaccurate statistical results when a set of sampled values consists of a continuous distribution with discrete spikes (spikes being caused by repeated sample values). The issue was observed in the Sampled Results distribution type of the Stochastic element and generated statistical results based on Final Value or Time History result values. Assuming a sorted list of sample values, a numerical error is introduced at the first continuous sample value directly following a discrete sample value (spike). The contribution of the sample value is underreported. The error is a function of the difference between the continuous and discrete sample value and can be calculated as follows: (curVal - ((prevVal + curVal) / 2)) * curWeight / 2. curVal=value of first continuous sample, prevVal=value of discrete sample just before curVal, curWeight=sample's weight. [5365]
- Corrected an issue when importing a GSM file as a new SubModel, which may corrupt the model or may prevent the model file from being saved. The issue applies to distribution-type inputs or outputs with an underlying non-scalar data type (e.g. Distribution output of a non-scalar Stochastic element) that references an array label set available in both the imported model and the import destination model. [5368]
Enhancements and Corrections in 11.1.3
GoldSim 11.1.3 is a maintenance release (update 3) of GoldSim 11.1. It was released on September 21, 2015. Enhancements and corrections in this version are listed below:
- Added the capability to create advective and diffusive connections into Source cells [5315]
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when closing the properties dialog of a hyperlink that no longer had a valid reference [5314]
- Fixed an issue in the Event Delay element where incoming events were not correctly handled while the 'wait for' precedence condition was not satisfied. [5311]
- Time Series function 'lookup' behavior was corrected to reflect any time shifting settings specified on the Time Series element [5310]
- Fixed an issue where input controls of some element dialogs would not mark invalid input expressions as invalid (red background) [5309]
- Fixed an issue where an edited dashboard grid control item label would revert to its original value if you edited value properties without first clicking OK to confirm the label change [5308]
- Fixed an issue where pasting a time history element with reporting periods enabled into a model without reporting periods may generate an error message [5307]
- Fixed an issue where elements in subsystems may update their initial values twice. As a result of this fix, some models may produce different results if there are one or more subsystems with (1) triggered events that trigger when an element output changes or (2) stochastic elements in the static list. In the latter case, stochastics previously sampled twice at time zero will now only be sampled once. Thus, even if a model uses the same random seed, observed sampled values of some stochastics may be different in 11.1.3 and previous versions. [5306]
- Fixed a cosmetic issue where text in read-only grid cells in some CT element dialogs could be deleted or changed by copy/paste [5305]
- Fixed an issue where a long delay could occur when activating a dashboard if it contained several controls [5303]
- Fixed an issue in the History Generator where the 'target' was incorrectly applied when running distributed process if the 'target' varied with time and the 'History Type' was set to 'Random Walk' [5301]
- Modified the Reservoir element to always require lower and upper bound input equations (i.e. the fields can no longer be left blank) even with vector or matrix Reservoirs. [5293]
- Fixed an issue where GoldSim could crash in some circumstances when a Time History result element was opened and realization screening was being used [5292]
- Fixed an issue where hide or disable statuses of dashboard controls were not updated while in pause mode [5290]
- Modified the Time History element 'Disable Element' attribute and Container element 'Enable Time History…' attribute to be editable in the Player [5288]
- Modified the SubModel element properties dialog (including adding an OK button) to allow changes made to the properties in a Player file to persist after closing the properties dialog [5287]
- Modified the Script element to make it possible to paste text into the display units field [5286]
- Fixed an issue in the Extrema Element where reset only worked if the value of the monitored output changed when the reset was triggered [5285]
- Fixed an issue in dashboard output components that could cause GoldSim to crash during memory cleanup [5282]
- Fixed an issue where the text color in a dashboard result display was not retained if a 'frame' border was used [5281]
- Fixed an issue where logical elements (AND, OR and NOT) triggered changed() and OnChanged monitoring functions even if their output values did not change [5279]
- Fixed an issue where changed() and OnChanged functions were triggered by a resampled stochastic even if the value of the stochastic did not change [5278]
- Fixed an issue where a model file could fail to load if an element was serialized that referenced the internal distribution object of a Stochastic that was not yet serialized [5277]
- Fixed an issue where vector initial values were incorrectly applied for information and material delays [5276]
- Improved code used to check equations when models are loaded [5275]
- Fixed an issue in the PDF_CTE function where the function evaluated to an undefined value for a truncated log-normal distribution [5271]
- Fixed an issue where a model might not load if the active modules for the top model and a SubModel were different [5270]
- Eliminated a peculiarity where the background color of an input field would flash pink when a previously invalid input equation was corrected [5269]
- Fixed an issue where an input equation in a sealed container could be edited (without breaking the seal) by inserting a unit, contstant or function by context menu [5268]
- Fixed an issue where inserting a unit, function or constant by context menu in an input field did not trigger a reparse of the expression [5267]
- Fixed an issue were GoldSim could crash after running a model, returning to Edit mode and then unchecking the multiple series option in a Time Series element [5266]
- Fixed an issue where GoldSim could crash if a Reliability Function element had a normal failure mode with 0 standard deviation and a PM replacement failure mode [5265]
Enhancements and Corrections in 11.1.2
GoldSim 11.1.2 is a maintenance release (update 2) of GoldSim 11.1. It was released on November 18, 2014. Enhancements and corrections in this version are listed below:
- Addressed an issue in which Time Series data editing on Asian Windows machines could cause erroneous messages [5264]
- Improved performance of Time History results exporting to Excel in cases where calculations are performed in Excel [5263]
- Fixed an issue in Excel data exchange where activating a worksheet could fail (due to a request on the wrong workbook) when multiple spreadsheet elements and files are used [5262]
- Added support to dynamically adjust correlation matrix and preserve data when editing array label sets (i.e. adding, removing and reordering items) [5261]
- Modified the way in which GoldSim is rescaled for different display resolutions so that windows, text and objects scale proportionally [5260]
- Fixed an issue where GoldSim would delete a custom unit (when saving and closing) if used only in the Excel tab of an importing Time Series element [5259]
- Improved the manner in which dashboard grid controls dynamically predict and adjust the width of header and data columns [5258]
- Fixed an issue related to the hide/disable attribute of dashboard controls that could lead to sporadic crashing [5256]
- Fixed an issue where a Player file could be created with no scenarios, even with a scenario control in a dashboard. The Player is not able to open such a file. [5255]
- Modified handling of correlation matrix properties such that the correlation algorithm settings are no longer lost when changing the array label set used for the element [5254]
- Fixed an issue where resizing an array label set used by a stochastic or history generator with a correlation matrix could result in a crash [5253]
- Dashboard input grid allowed change to non-scenario data when one or more scenarios had been run. This has been fixed. [5252]
- Fixed an issue where a stochastic that is a sensitivity analysis input could have the wrong value in some circumstances if its distribution input is a function of another output [5251]
- Fixed an issue in the GoldSim Player where it could crash when running a model file without scenarios after a scenario model was previously terminated in the same instance of the Player [5250]
- Fixed an issue where changes to the value of a Data element or the initial value of a Script element were not registered by versioning [5249]
- Fixed an issue where a floating point exception could arise due to an uninitialized buffer used when processing moving averages calculated by an Integrator element [5248]
- Corrected a model upgrade (i.e. conversion) issue that could lead to a crash when opening and attempting to run a converted model [5247]
- Added support for text file export of multivariate result element results in table view using Ctrl+E [5246]
- Fixed an issue where a model title (specified when creating a Player file) in a Player window title bar disappears after running the simulation [5245]
- Corrected an issue where GoldSim would crash when 'Delete All' was selected in a Result Distribution element in result mode with categories defined [5244]
- Fixed an issue where a supporting Excel file was not copied, as necessary, to slaves in the case where a Spreadsheet element offset was used that depends on realization [5243]
- Corrected an issue where the Solubilities output of a Fluid element could not be referenced [5242]
- Corrected an issue where a non-scalar Integrator element with a moving average and empty rate of change field generated an access violation fatal error [5241]
- Fixed an issue where the drop-list of a scenario control does not work (cannot be expanded out) if running GoldSim on Windows XP [5239]
- Fixed an issue where confidence bounds on a CDF plot in a Result Distribution element could be incorrect under certain circumstances [5237]
- Fixed an issue that could lead to the creation of "ghost" elements as a result of a failed paste operation [5236]
- Modified requirements for sensitivity analysis variables such that it is no longer possible to select a stochastic that is a function of an element that is inactive and not static. [5235]
- Fixed an issue in the File Element where a provided relative path was stored internally as an absolute path so that the referenced file was copied with the full path to the slave directories [5234]
- Corrected a minor issue where a dashboard checkbox background color does not immediately update after changing the background color property. [5232]
Enhancements and Corrections in 11.1.1
GoldSim 11.1.1 is a maintenance release (update 1) of GoldSim 11.1. It was released on August 21, 2014. Enhancements and corrections in this version are listed below:
- Corrected an issue where data corruption could occur in Fluid and Reference Fluid elements after running in distributed processing mode if the model has any diffusive fluxes with porous medium. [5191]
- Corrected an issue where a value input through a dashboard control could be saved with higher precision than what the linked data element is able to support. [5192]
- Corrected an issue where the input port color (blue) on an Element with a precedence requirement remains blue when it is copied and pasted [5208]
- Corrected and issue where the SubModel trigger button does not reactivate when the 'Update (run) SubModel only when triggered' option is checked, unchecked and rechecked [5209]
- Corrected an issue where revised tab order for dashboard controls was lost upon saving, closing and re-opening the model file [5210]
- Corrected an issue in the Array View element where the row/column total for a matrix result is incorrectly calculated when the values have a decimal part [5212]
- Corrected an issue that could lead to a crash if a fatal error occurred while there are borrowed resources [5214]
- Corrected an issue that could lead to a failed move or paste operation if the operation included an element containing a submodel with at least one reference inside of it (e.g. between an output and a result element) [5215]
- Corrected an issue where an outdated pointer to a Time Series definition data manager (due to copy/paste/move of Time Series elements) could cause a save error and crash [5216]
- Corrected an issue where a SubModel optimization configuration is not fully validated prior to simulation. This led to an access violation error when attempting to run the model [5217]
- Corrected an issue where an internal clock container or elements with a 'local' clock can report an incorrect timestep length when there are unscheduled updates in the model [5219]
- Corrected text in the Dashboard List Box properties which indicated that one or more default choices could be selected [5220]
- Corrected an issue where a crash could occur when deleting nested FOR loops in a Script element if the inner loop had an invalid iteration variable [5221]
- Fixed an issue where an Aquifer Pathway with flux inflow(s) adds mass if its source length requires >1 internal Cell [5222]
- Added a command line option to execute the GoldSim Player without showing an application window or error messages [5223]
- Fixed an issue where GoldSim's parser may erroneously identify a unit when processing the beginning of an ID string that contains an underscore [5224]
- Fixed an issue where GoldSim hangs when a chart formats a calendar-based axis in reverse order [5225]
- Fixed an issue where GoldSim may crash when the period function type is changed for a result item in a reporting period-based Time History result element [5226]
- Added support for dynamic adjustment of SubModel optimization variable inputs (initial value and boundaries) [5227]
- Fixed an issue that could give rise to a fatal error or incorrect Time Series lookup results in a static model [5228]
- Fixed an issue where a model could still be run even if the specified 'realization to run' for a SubModel was greater than the total number of realizations specified for the SubModel [5229]
- Added the ability to execute by default the mandatory 15-minute floating license check in the background for all users of floating licenses [5230]
- Fixed an issue where an Aquifer Pathway outflow mass flux oscillates at flow change [5231]
New in GoldSim 11.1
GoldSim 11.1 was released on June 3, 2014. Features new in v11.1 are described below:
- Added support for the -getdb command line flag in the GoldSim Player for database downloads [#5170]
- Re-added the advanced time settings option (removed in 11.0) to allow or disallow the insertion of unscheduled updates during a simulation [#5160]
- Added the capability to display statistical results of a Monte Carlo run using dashboard output controls [#4947]
- Enhanced model options (accessible in the 'Results' tab of the model Options dialog) to allow users (1) to specify a minimum number of significant figures to display in result elements, input fields and tool-tips and (2) to specify a threshold order of magnitude above which results and values should be displayed using scientific notation [#4950]
- Added significant capabilities for (1) accessing and viewing SubModel history and final value results in Time History and Result Distribution elements and also (2) linking SubModel histories to Time Series elements outside of SubModels [#5005]
- Added the capability to browse between (i.e. in both directions) Result Elements and referenced outputs [#5023]
- Added support in the Player for F4 (as a keyboard shortcut key) to reset a model from Result mode or Scenario mode [#5065]
- Modified the Time Series element to (1) handle static models without issuing a fatal error and (2) handle changed definitions. In both cases, lookup function calls to the Time Series element are still supported. In the case where a Time Series definition changes partway through a simulation, a message is logged and it stops updating its output [#5069]
- Added support for shifting the referenced unit cell in addition to the referenced value cell(s) when using the Shift capability in a Spreadsheet Element [#5076]
- Added a 'Group by Scenario' display option in Time History elements to show all results for a selected scenario [#5087]
- Added an 'All Results & Scenarios' display option in Time History elements to show all results for all scenarios [#5092]
- Added an auto-save model backup capability with a user-specified time interval between backups [#5093]
- Added a new trigger type in the Conditional Container deactivation trigger manager ("At Duration") that replaces the 'Deactivate at specified maximum duration' option and allows 'Precedence Condition' or 'Required Condition' trigger options to be specified. [#5096]
- Added option for BetaPERT and Triangular distributions to specify 10% and 90% quantile inputs instead of Min and Max [#5102]
- Modified the 'Duration' output of Conditional Containers to provide the duration of time in the present or most recent active state, rather than the duration of time in the present state (active or inactive) [#5104]
- Added a 'Maximum prediction timestep' feature (where the timestep is specified by the user) to the Convolution element to better handle unplanned short timesteps in the simulation [#5111]
- Added the option to export statistic histories to a text file [#5137]
- Added options to the General tab of the model options dialog to record simulation events information in the run log for reservoir element state changes and conditional container activations and deactivations. [#5141]
- Removed a scenarios feature added in v11.0 where dashboard-controlled scenario data (1) was automatically removed when the data is the same for all scenarios and (2) was automatically added when a data element value was changed using a dashboard control. [#5165]
- Added support for .NET based extension DLLs [#4793]
- Added the capability to reference elements/outputs inside of localized containers for sensitivity and optimization variables [#3456]
Enhancements and Corrections in 11.1
- Corrected an issue where Spreadsheet element file locking was ignored during pre-import from the Excel file [#5189]
- Updated the UI dialogs (for global download and element-specific download) related to effective date options for Yucca Mountain database formats to make the wording easier to understand [#5188]
- Removed the dialog that asks a user whether or not to save the model file when a distributed processing simulation completes [#5187]
- Corrected an issue where an Interrupt element would ignore precedence requirements and be sequenced incorrectly [#5186]
- Corrected an issue where a significant performance hit could be encountered at the end of a simulation for models with many database-linked elements as database information is generated for the run log [#5185]
- Corrected an issue where a warning message with incorrect solubilities is written to the run log if isotopes have inconsistent solubilities and are defined using moles [#5184]
- Modified behavior of CT simulations to prevent simulation and issue an appropriate error message if an Aquifer element exists that defines a source zone length and changes the area dynamically during the simulation [#5183]
- Added feature to save the user-defined setting ‘Number of realizations to process per slave transaction’ with the model file [#5181]
- Corrected an issue where an “Encountered Improper Argument” error message could be displayed when attempting to check one of the checkboxes in the Container element properties General tab [#5180]
- Modified behavior of graphics and result chart ‘Save As’ dialog such that the previously selected image file format is remembered and displayed when the dialog is invoked [#5179]
- Corrected an issue where exporting and importing slave list files did not work consistently [#5178]
- Modified optimization and sensitivity analysis to use deterministic values of stochastics not listed as input variables, rather than using a sampled value when the model is single-realization Monte Carlo [#5177]
- Enhanced GoldSim’s model integrity test by adding the ability to identify and remove elements for which a reference is held by one or more other elements, but that does not actually appear in the model [#5176]
- Corrected a minor UI issue with the ‘Auto-include ICRP daughters…’ fields in the Species Element properties dialog [#5175]
- Corrected an issue where pasting of an element with a complex unit equation could fail [#5174]
- Corrected an issue where stochastics in a localized container could be added to Sensitivity Analysis using the ‘Add all Stochastics’ button; This should not be permitted [#5173]
- Corrected an issue where sensitivity analysis for a static stochastic located inside a subsystem container does not work properly [#5172]
- Corrected an issue where a move operation that includes a text box could result in a crash under specific circumstances [#5171]
- Corrected an issue where 'At Etime' and 'At Date' triggers were not handled correctly in an internal clock container (because they referenced the global rather than local clock) [#5169]
- Corrected an issue where model elements could be sequenced incorrectly (in the wrong list, static or function) when loading/converting a model from a previous version. [#5168]
- Corrected an issue where the dates (time points) in a recording Time Series element are wrong when the model is in elapsed time. [#5167]
- Improved the model conversion process when loading old model files [#5166]
- Improved the manner in which Time Series definitions are passed through SubModel interfaces. [#5163]
- Changed run mode behavior of the TimestepLength run property at time zero of a simulation so that it reflects the anticipated length of the first time step rather than having a value of 1 second. [#5162]
- Corrected an issue where 'At Etime', 'At Date' and 'At Stock Test' may not trigger in a model with a 'Maximum time between updates' [#5161]
- Corrected an issue where the run property Rtime could give incorrect results in a model with inserted (unscheduled) steps depending on where steps were inserted. [#5159]
- Corrected an issue where a model file could become un-openable if saved with a spreadsheet element with an output that references a custom unit in an Excel file that is not otherwise used or referenced in the model. [#5157]
- Improved robustness of code related to influences and all underlying objects, pointers and attributes. [#5156]
- Corrected an issue where high-resolution results could be improperly recorded in a Time History element inside of an internal clock container. [#5155]
- Corrected an issue in reliability elements where a model could crash when switching to the option to 'Use simple failure rate instead of failure modes' [#5154]
- Corrected an issue in the History Generator element where a model could crash when configured improperly. [#5153]
- Added an error message to handle the case where an invalid type of discrete change is sent to a Cell element [#5152]
- Modified time labels in the table view of a Time History result element for daily reporting periods to show the standard Windows date format rather than the year followed by "D" and the day of the year. [#5151]
- Corrected an issue where a Reservoir would log an inappropriate warning message when there was no upper bound and the reservoir dropped slightly below its lower bound. [#5150]
- Corrected an issue in many-run simulations (e.g. optimization runs, sensitivity analysis and 'run all' scenario simulations) that could lead to the following error message: "Fatal error in StoreHistory: exceeded number of allocated result-storage files…" [#5149]
- Corrected an issue where cloning could fail (i.e. values could be improperly copied to clones) when two or more new inputs were added at once to an element (e.g. both the upper and lower bound on a Reservoir) [#5146]
- Corrected an issue with the storing of realization weight packages for nested, repeatedly simulated SubModels. [#5005]
- Corrected a versioning bug where changes to the data source were not recorded [#4565]
- Corrected an issue in the Time Series element where data previously defined for multiple series was retained after turning off the multiple series option [#4750]
- Modified the licensing dialog, when using a floating license, to show the path to the network license folder; Also provides a means of switching to a different floating license or disconnecting from one. [#4773]
- Corrected an issue where an element with a user-defined symbol would not properly reset (in some cases) after selecting the 'Default symbol' option [#4778]
- Corrected a minor UI issue in the RL elements where the Container dialog tabs ('Graphics' and 'Information') were not added after selecting the option to model the component as a system with child elements [#4895]
- Improved pasting options (including context menu paste and Shift-Insert) in input grid cells in Selector, Splitter, Allocator and Random Choice elements [#4969]
- Corrected issue where data could be pasted into some sealed elements and the data would remain without breaking the seal [#4989]
- Default names for Result Elements were changed to the following: "History 1", "Distribution 1", "Multivariate 1" and "Array View 1" [#5072]
- Corrected an issue where opening a Time History element connected to a SubModel and with one outer model realization could lead to a crash. [#5075]
- Corrected an issue where 0/0, in some instances, is not evaluated to 0 and instead leads to a fatal error [#5081]
- Modified spreadsheet element pre-import (i.e. during Edit mode) behavior so that it occurs even if results are saved to the Excel file [#5082]
- Made minor UI changes to reduce flicker in Result element displays, tool-bars and buttons when resizing [#5086]
- Corrected an issue where the 'Model Title' entered when creating a Player file appears in the 'Analysis Description Field' of the Information tab, overwriting the Analysis Description provided in the GoldSim file [#5088]
- Modified the display of model time in Time History element tables to show greater precision; Numbers are shown with 8 rather than 6 significant figures and calendar times show (if needed) 3 extra digits representing rounded milliseconds [#5091]
- Corrected an issue where floor(), ceil() and trunc() could give incorrect results for input values very near (within rounding error) but not exactly equal to an integer [#5094]
- Improved robustness of graphical element components in cases where an element input port is added or removed depending on element property settings (e.g. Time Series and Lookup Table elements) [#5107]
- Modified DP slave behavior so that it is not required to check for the existence of Excel spreadsheets that are not saved and from which GoldSim does not import [#5115]
- Corrected an issue where GoldSim may delete a unit when reading a pre-version 11 model making it so that the model could not be re-opened after conversion. [#5116]
- Corrected an issue where a Player model that should not be browsable could be browsed in the case where a DLL is missing by using the Edit button provided in the runtime error message. [#5117]
- Improved the amount of precision supported by various generic value edit controls (including several dashboard controls) [#5118]
- Corrected an issue where the simulation duration time setting was not properly converted when loading a model from GoldSim v10.5 or ealier [#5119]
- Corrected an issue in the Time History element where scenario results were not properly displayed after changing Monte Carlo settings [#5120]
- Corrected an issue where the projection of a Reservoir bound could lead to negative volume values [#5121]
- Simplified and removed options from the General tab of the model options dialog [#5122]
- Corrected an issue where a zero solubility for water would lead to an error when using a Fluid element [#5123]
- Corrected issues with Yucca and Simple database imports including (1) crash which occurs when an invalid stochastic code is provided and (2) improper update of linear/log, truncation/no-truncation, etc. flags when a stochastic code is changed [#5124]
- Corrected an issue where GoldSim could crash during a database import if an invalid stochastic code was specified. [#5125]
- Corrected an issue where a Time Series element with a single history item could generate an error message while in Edit mode [#5126]
- Improved the maximum preserved precision of data entered in Time Series and Lookup Table Elements [#5127]
- Improved Yucca Mtn database download error handling when there are no date-matching results in the database file. [#5130]
- Changed default chart style rules for array label sets so that the "vary symbols" option is cleared; Only "auto colors" and "vary lines" options are selected by default. [#5132]
- Added a 'Specify Precedent' context menu option for Subsystem Containers [#5133]
- Corrected the built-in tProb function to support negative input values [#5134]
- Corrected a performance issue where the use of reporting periods could potentially significantly increase simulation time. [#5136]
- Improved sequencing of Reservoir element's IsFull output references [#5138]
- Corrected an issue in the behavior of the material delay element when it is deactivated and reactivated inside of a conditional container [#5139]
- Corrected an issue where the GoldSim progress window could steal focus from other windows or possibly other applications [#5140]
- Made minor changes to what Reservoirs do when very close to the upper or lower bound; A warning is logged if the reservoir is found to be significantly outside a bound when the bound is static. [#5142]
Release Notes GoldSim 11.0
Enhancements and Corrections in
GoldSim is a maintenance release of GoldSim 11.0. GoldSim was released on March 3, 2016.
- Corrected an issue that prevented GoldSim Player from saving the model file using the 'Save' or 'Save as' menu. [5374]
- Corrected an issue causing GoldSim to not recognize a valid license on some non-English operating systems. [5375]
Enhancements and Corrections in 11.0.8
GoldSim 11.0.8 is a maintenance release (update 8) of GoldSim 11.0. It was released on February 12, 2016.
- This release of GoldSim introduces a powerful and flexible licensing system. Detailed information is provided in the GoldSim Licensing End-User Manual, which can be found in the GoldSim installation folder (GoldSim_Licensing.pdf).
Note: The new licensing system is simultaneously introduced for GoldSim products 10.5, 11.0 and 11.1. Updates supporting the new licensing system are available on our website. [5348, 5355]
Corrections in 11.0.7
GoldSim 11.0.7 was released on February 18, 2014. Corrections since GoldSim 11.0.6 are listed below:
- Corrected an error in the Reservoir element that could cause incorrect results when a time-varying upper bound was dropping below the current level in the reservoir. [#5135]
Corrections in 11.0.6
GoldSim 11.0.6 was released on January 28, 2014. Corrections since GoldSim 11.0.5 are listed below:
- Corrected an issue where the Reservoir element generates a floating point error when its value is very small (on the order of 1e-308 or smaller) and there is inflow; Also, generally improved handling of very small values [#5112]
- Added data conversion code to properly handle models with saved result array data; In pre-v11 versions, result array data was saved as single-precision floats; Now it is saved as double-precision [#5113, #5114]
Corrections in 11.0.5
GoldSim 11.0.5 was released on January 21, 2014. Corrections since GoldSim 11.0.4 are listed below:
- Corrected an issue with the CT Pipe element that led to erroneous results when using suspended solids [#5110]
Corrections in 11.0.4
GoldSim 11.0.4 was released on January 17, 2014. Corrections since GoldSim 11.0.3 are listed below:
- Elements added in a cloned container are now added at the same position in the graphics pane in the sibling container [#4630]
- Corrected an issue where the values or properties of a cloned element whose sibling is in a locked container could be changed. [#4780]
- Corrected minor issues with axis settings in Multi-Variate and Time History result elements [#4797, #4919]
- Made improvements to the input table for a Sampled Results Stochastic [#4983]
- Corrected an issue where the TBL_Inv_Integral function is undefined if the dependent variable of the table is constant [#5083]
- Corrected and improved the handling of Reservoir calculations when the reservoir is at its bounds [#5084]
- Corrected an issue where the expected value of an IF expression with array type arguments cannot be evaluated. [#5085]
- Corrected an issue where the time component of a date-time value is dropped when the model is opened. [#5089]
- Modified run log dates to show milliseconds in addition to hours, minutes and seconds [#5090]
- Corrected an issue where GoldSim improperly cleans up after a Time Series element whose definition is exposed from a SubModel is deleted. This prevented the model from being saved. [#5095]
- A simulation run is now prevented in CT models if an atomic weight is less than or equal to 0 [#5097]
- Added the capability to view the run log for the previous run in Edit mode. The run log is not available in or after leaving Scenario mode and is not saved with the model file. [#5099]
- Corrected some issues in the Time Series element that allowed the element to be placed in an inconsistent state that could cause GoldSim to crash [#5100, #5105, #5108]
- Corrected an issue where copying and pasting a result element inside of a SubModel invalidated any result items [#5103]
- Corrected an issue in the Lookup Table element that could lead to an inconsistent internal state in the element and prevent models saved with such an element from being re-opened. [#5106]
- Corrected an issue with the CT Pipe element that led to erroneous results when using suspended solids [#5109]
Corrections in 11.0.3009
GoldSim 11.0.3009 was released on December 17, 2013 to address the following issues:
- A Reservoir element can overshoot a bound due to round-off. If a Reservoir element overshoots a bound slightly, due to round-off, the overshoot is not corrected until its Update. In models that have recursive loops other elements that reference the Reservoir may be Updated prior o it, and may see the value that lies outside of the Reservoir's bounds. [#5084]
- User-defined dates in input expressions drop the (optional) time component upon loading of the model file. Example: A date-time defined as “Dec-17-2013 6:00 PM” changes to “Dec-17-2013”. The issue has been corrected. [#5089]
- Error when calculating the conditional argument in array-type IF statements. [#5085]
- TBL_Inv_Integral function is undefined if table dependent variable is constant. [#5083]
Enhancements and Corrections in 11.0.3
GoldSim 11.0.3 was released on November 4, 2013. Some of the most notable corrections since GoldSim 11.0.2 are listed below:
- Imports from spreadsheets were modified in two significant ways:
- If an element imports from a spreadsheet, and the spreadsheet file is not found, GoldSim will continue to carry out the simulation using the last values that were imported. A message is written to the run log if this happens.
- If an element imports from a spreadsheet, and does not export to that spreadsheet, the information is imported prior to starting the simulation. This allows models that use distributed processing to not have to transmit the spreadsheet files to the Slave processors.
- A bug was fixed where an if-test on an array-type argument can give erroneous results. This can only occur if the second argument to the if-statement is a complex expression, not a simple link to an output.
- A bug was fixed where the OnChanged trigger type may not register the first change of the monitored output if its initial value is zero.
- A bug was fixed where if a Material Delay element has an 'Initial Outflow' rate defined the calculated outflow rate at time 0 may be incorrect.
- A bug was fixed where an RT-module model crashes when looping decay chains are defined.
- A bug was fixed where an RT-module model using a Pipe element occasionally crashes with an invalid floating-point exception.
Enhancements and Corrections in 11.0.2
GoldSim 11.0.2 was released on September 5, 2013. Some of the most notable corrections since GoldSim 11.0 are listed below:
- Support pasting of Time Series data with more than 65,535 records.
- Corrected various runtime issues that would cause GoldSim to hang or crash during simulations of SubModels.
- Corrected various issues with Time Series elements (updating, editing of time shifting options, data import from Excel, wrapping of 365 day records).
- Corrected calculation of Reservoir element with initial value starting below lower bound.
- Clarified simulation requirements for Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis runs.
- Addressed issues when editing array data styles, including loss of defined style when editing the Species element.
- Improved performance of Dashboard output control updates and refresh rates.
- Corrected editing problem in Milestone element.
- Corrected a problem in the Excel Import/Export Wizard that caused GoldSim to crash.
- Improved calculation of Material Delay.
- Improved resetting of history chart zooming and reset of custom zoom levels.
- Revised and improved logic for handling ‘At Stock’ triggers.
- Improved legend and labels in history charts.
- Corrected problems in containment and class view browsers that could cause GoldSim to crash when element sub items are shown.
- Corrected calculation and representation of ‘All Results’ display type in nested Monte Carlo Distribution results.
- Revised logic for storing grid control based scenario data.
- Improved CPU benchmarking for elements in SubModels.
- Corrected structural issues on SubModel input interface that would treat such value as not static.
- Minor user interface corrections.
New in GoldSim 11
GoldSim 11 was released on July 22, 2013. It is a major new version and introduces numerous new features and capabilities to GoldSim, as well as many enhancements and corrections. For an overview of new features and changes, please refer to document GoldSim 11 Summary.pdf. A link is available in the GoldSim 11 program group in the Windows start menu.
Some of the most notable new features and capabilities are listed below:
- The compression algorithm for inserted (or pasted) images was improved allowing for smaller file size with similar quality.
- The Time tab of the Simulation Settings dialog has been completely redesigned to provide more intuitive and powerful tools for defining the timestepping options.
- Time History Results and the Simulation Settings have been modified to prevent unnecessarily creating large result files. The most noticeable change in this regard is that for multiple realization (Monte Carlo) runs, time history results are only saved for outputs that are connected to Time History Result elements.
- Run Properties (e.g., ETime, DayOf Week, etc.) have been redesigned to provide more intuitive and powerful tools for referencing these important properties.
- A powerful new capability that allows you to create, run and compare different scenarios for your model has been added. Scenarios are differentiated by having different sets of input data. In particular, different scenarios have different values for one or more Data elements (referred to as Scenario Data). GoldSim’s scenario modeling capability allows you to directly compare results generated by different sets of input parameters. In effect, when you use this capability, your model can store (and subsequently compare) multiple sets of outputs.
- The entire result display framework has been updated. This includes that ability to create Reporting Periods, allowing yopu to compute and report accumulated, average, the change or the rate of change values over a specified period (e.g., monthly, annually). You can also view “unscheduled timesteps” in time history displays.
- All results that are being plotted can be assigned custom labels (that can have spaces, unlike element and output names).
- Several new Dashboard features, including:
- A new Button command (“Refresh all Spreadsheet outputs”) that imports all outputs from linked Spreadsheet elements into your model.
- A new Button command (“Export Simulation Results”) that executes a global export of available results from Time History Result elements that are specified to export to spreadsheets and/or text files.
- A new control (the Text Result control) that allows you to display one of a series of user-specified text strings based on the value of an output (e.g., if the value is less than 10, display “Low”, if the value is between 10 and 30 display “Medium”, and if the value is greater than 30 display “High”).
- A new Scenario control allows Player users to create, run and compare scenarios.
- The ability to navigate directly to a Dashboard within a SubModel.
- Unlike other elements in GoldSim, the names of Result elements and Dashboards can now contain spaces.
- An option for an Integrator to compute up to three different moving averages. A moving average is a uniformly-weighted average of the Rate of Change over a specified averaging time. It is calculated as the change in the value of the Integrator over the averaging time divided by the averaging time.
- Four new functions that can be used to manipulate Lookup Tables (including the ability to carry out a reverse lookup)
- Three new types of trigger types (that can be used in all triggering dialogs).
- The ability to reference a value from a Time Series element at some point in the future or past (as opposed to at the current time in the simulation).
- Two new array functions that can be used to create dynamic lookup tables (in which the values for the independent and/or dependent variables are changing with time).
- Several improvements to the Stochastic element, including:
- Two new distribution: BetaPERT and Log-Cumulative.
- The ability to use the Spreadsheet element to import a probability distribution from a spreadsheet.
- An additional output (the Distribution definition). This output is a complex output representing all the distribution information. GoldSim provides several specialized functions that can be used to reference the Distribution output type and return properties of the distribution. For example, the function PDF_Mean(X) returns the mean of Distribution X; the function PDF_Value(X, 0.95) returns the 95th percentile.
- An advanced feature for dynamically revising distributions during a simulation using “simulated Bayesian updating”.
- Support for nested Monte Carlo simulation.
- New features to facilitate modeling of aging chains.
- The spreadsheet and text file export from time History Result elements has been changed in order to support new time history features (e.g., Reporting Periods, scenarios).
- Support for the.XLSM macro--enabled Excel format.
- The ability to reset the Extrema element.
- If both the numerator and the denominator of an expression are zero, GoldSim will no display a fatal error; instead, the resulting expression will be set to zero and the simulation will continue. This can be very convenient, as it allows you to avoid adding complex logic to check for such cases.
- New features to make it easier to quickly reference exposed outputs of localized Containers within input fields of other elements. These features also make Containers act like objects with a custom output interface.
- Improvements to the Milestone element.
- Improvements to time shifting options for Time Series elements.
- Changes to how user-defined units are managed.
- The ability to log CPU time for External, Script and Spreadsheet elements.
- An option (within the RT Module) to utilize a large built-in database of radionuclide decay data (species, decay rates and daughter products). In particular, the feature allows you to view over 1200 radionuclides (along with their corresponding stable elements) and to selectively include some of these radionuclides in your simulation. The data is based on the International Commission for Radiation Protection (ICRP)’s Publication 107.
- Improvements to the Aquifer element.
- Improvements to how Cells manage changing media quantities.
Release Notes GoldSim 10.5
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.5 SP7
GoldSim 10.5 SP7 is a maintenance release of GoldSim 10.5. GoldSim 10.5 SP7 was released on March 3, 2016.
- Corrected an issue that prevented GoldSim Player from saving the model file using the 'Save' or 'Save as' menu. [5374]
- Corrected an issue causing GoldSim to not recognize a valid license on some non-English operating systems. [5375]
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.5 SP6
GoldSim 10.5 SP6 is a maintenance release of GoldSim 10.5. It was released on February 12, 2016.
- This release of GoldSim introduces a powerful and flexible licensing system. Detailed information is provided in the GoldSim Licensing End-User Manual, which can be found in the GoldSim installation folder (GoldSim_Licensing.pdf).
Note: The new licensing system is simultaneously introduced for GoldSim products 10.5, 11.0 and 11.1. Updates supporting the new licensing system are available on our website. [5347, 5355]
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.5 SP5
GoldSim 10.5 SP5 was released on September 27, 2013. GoldSim 10.5 SP5 is a cumulative update (includes all improvements and corrections found in earlier 10.5 service packs).
- A new feature in GoldSim 10.5 SP4 was found to sometimes cause errors in models with diffusive flux links and very long timesteps. In some cases GoldSim would skip doing solubility calculations for some Cell elements (a warning message would be written to the run log if this occurred). This message is appropriate for very rapidly flowing advectively-dominated Cells, but should not occur for diffusive systems.
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.5 SP4
GoldSim 10.5 SP4 was released on June 28, 2013. GoldSim 10.5 SP4 is a cumulative update (includes all improvements and corrections found in earlier 10.5 service packs).
The most important issues corrected in GoldSim 10.5 SP4 are listed below:
- The compression algorithm for inserted (or pasted) images was improved allowing for smaller file size with similar quality.
- 3d-charts of Array View results can be printed.
- Corrected an issue causing the quality of inserted images to decrease over time.
- Corrected a severe issue involving chart styles that may cause corruption of the model file.
- Corrected an issue that may have caused the importance-sampled realization weights to be incorrect during distributed-processing simulations.
- Corrected a problem in IF-statements causing GoldSim to crash if the IF-condition involved a complex equation and arrays.
- Corrected a problem in the Stochastic element that may cause GoldSim to crash when editing the ‘Correlated To’ option.
- Corrected the name of the built-in Swedish currency (Krona).
- Corrected several issues related to the use of MS-Excel spreadsheets for data import and export, or a function.
- Corrected incorrect calculation in Material Delay elements located inside looping Containers.
- Corrected a runtime error (access violation) in recording Time Series element of a static model.
- Corrected a problem in recording Time Series elements in looping Container, which may have recorded duplicate values.
- Corrected a sequencing problem with recording Time Series elements which may have caused the recording of the previous rather than the current value of the selected output.
- Corrected a problem in the Splitter element outputting negative amounts.
- Corrected an issue that prevented container-type elements to be inserted into cloned systems.
- Corrected a problem in the Slider control on Dashboards; the current value was not correctly shown for vertical sliders.
- Corrected a problem in the Yucca database format involving 2d-tables.
- Corrected a problem in Spreadsheet elements when selecting an output located inside a localized Container. The selected output was not automatically exposed.
- DP Module: Corrected a problem that may have left a model stuck in Run Mode after a failure to launch a distributed processing simulation.
- CT/RT Module: Corrected problems with built-in array label sets. Upon disabling the CT/RT module these sets are kept in a model if they are referenced by non-CT/RT elements. However, in previous versions the sets were not subsequently marked as user-defined. As a onsequence, the sets could not be edited, removed and the CT/RT module could not be re-activated.
- CT/RT Module: A memory corruption issue and subsequent crash of GoldSim was fixed in cloned Fluid elements.
- CT/RT Module: Corrected problems that would stall a simulation when very fast turnover cells applied solubility limits or when solving congruent dissolution for extremely low solubility levels.
- RL Module: The advanced failure mode option ’repair to specified age’ was corrected.
- Includes additional general performance and stability improvements.
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.5 SP3
GoldSim 10.5 SP3 was released on September 28, 2012. GoldSim 10.5 SP3 is a cumulative update (includes all improvements and corrections found in SP1 and SP2).
The most important issues corrected in GoldSim 10.5 SP3 are listed below:
- In previous versions, an error was found related to changing the members of an array-label set that is used to define the rows or columns of a matrix. In particular, the error occured when: 1) A reference had been made to a row, a column, or a single item within a matrix-type output, using an expression such as: “M[Friday, *]” (which would reference the ‘Friday’ (sixth) row in a matrix), and 2) subsequently the array-label set was edited so that the referenced row or column has a different ordinal value. This would happen, for example, if an earlier entry in the set (e.g. ‘Thursday’) was deleted. When this happened, the originally-referenced row or column number (i.e., 6) was not automatically corrected to reflect its new value. If the original row or column number was still valid then the model would still run, and would give incorrect results, as the wrong row or column would be accessed. This problem was corrected in SP3.
- Improves usability and access to status information about floating licenses.
- Adds ability for Script element to break (initiate debugging) on Break and Continue statements.
- Adds support for dates on axes of multi-variate charts.
- Corrects several problems with dashboard controls including issues with dynamically enabling/disabling or showing/hiding controls, tab order and setting/removing the focus.
- Corrects a problem with the Date-Time dashboard control.
- Improves data type checking capabilities when routing Time Series data through SubModel interfaces.
- Corrects several problems and improves stability and performance related to exporting Time History results to spreadsheet files.
- Improves result accuracy for very fast transport in Aquifer elements. Corrects memory consumption issues with Aquifer elements during distributed processing simulations.
- Corrects several problems related to sub items (inputs, outputs) when shown in main browsers (containment and class view).
- Improves precision of Time Series lookup value when outputting the average value of the next time step.
- Corrects Table element issues when importing data from spreadsheets and when changing unit dimensions.
- Corrects issues causing GoldSim to terminate when changing the size of an indexed array label set.
- Fixes a result memory issue when running optimizations.
- Corrects several problems with cloning CT elements and enhances detection of invalid cloning requests during paste and move operations.
- Includes additional general performance and stability improvements.
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.5 SP2
GoldSim 10.5 SP2 was released on September 22, 2011. GoldSim 10.5 SP2 corrects a number of issues with GoldSim 10.5 SP1.
The most important issues corrected in GoldSim 10.5 SP2 are listed below:
- Problems that could lead to a model’s file size becoming larger every time the model is loaded into memory were identified and corrected.
- Numerous minor issues with the user interface were corrected.
- The CT Module’s new Aquifer element now applies its ‘Initial inventory’ at the ‘front end’ of the pathway. Previously it was distributed uniformly over the pathway length. Also, its ‘cumulative input’ boundary condition was not being handled correctly, and this has been corrected.
- The CT Module’s Source element could occasionally not release 100% of its inventory, when the model had very long time steps.
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.5 SP1
GoldSim 10.5 SP1 was released on April 13, 2011. GoldSim 10.5 SP1 introduces a few new features and corrects a number of issues with GoldSim 10.5.
- A new math function, vIndex(vector, value) has been added. It searches for a specified value within the provided vector, and returns the index value at which the value is found. It treats the vector as a continuous function, interpolating where necessary between the defined points in the vector, and as a result the returned index value may have a fraction. For example, if the vector’s values were <3, 4, 5, 6> then vIndex(vector, 5.1) would return an index value of 3.1.
- A new math function, vInterp(vector, index) has been added. It interpolates into the vector using the specified index value. For example, if the vector’s values were <3, 4, 5, 6> then vInterp(vector, 3.1) would return a value of 5.1.
- These functions will frequently be used in conjunction, for example vInterp(vector2, vIndex(vector1, v)) will look up the location of v in vector 1 and return the corresponding value from vector2.
- Dashboard components can now be configured to be dynamically disabled or hidden based on any model output. This allows for more customizable dashboard user interface.
- The new Aquifer element had a number of problems corrected, including access violation errors when run in distributed processing mode, erroneous reporting of the mass in the pathway when decay chains are involved, and erroneous discharges when its length was shortened during the simulation.
- Contaminant transport models that incorporated “Air” Cell pathways could occasionally crash.
- Result tables would not sort correctly when displayed using certain European number formats.
- Old vector-type Stochastic elements only used Latin hypercube sampling for the first array item.
- User-defined dates within expressions are now automatically converted to the correct local date format when viewed on a computer with a different region setting.
- When date-type results are exported to Excel or text files they now user the correct local date format.
- The chart keyword %x_unit% now respects the unit definition of the distribution result.
New in GoldSim 10.5
GoldSim 10.5 was released on December 21, 2010. GoldSim 10.5 introduces a number of new features and capabilities to GoldSim.
In addition to these Release Notes, a more detailed document that summarizes the major new features in GoldSim 10.5 is provided in the Start Menu (under All Programs | GoldSim 10.5 | Version 10.5 Summary). It is strongly recommended that all existing GoldSim users read this document!
Enhancements and corrections in this version are listed below:
- A major new feature, the Script Element has been added. Iterative calculations, complex array manipulations, and other highly customized calculations, many of which could only have been previously done using an External (DLL) element, can now be built directly into GoldSim as a procedural Script without any external programming.
- GoldSim 10.5 includes another new element, the Aquifer Pathway for the CT/RT Module. An Aquifer pathway combines the features of a Cell and a Pipe element, and provides a way to simulate processes such as vertical transport through an unsaturated (vadose) zone, and horizontal transport in aquifers, rivers, channels and pipelines.
- Date/time simulations can now extend over a much broader range: 1 January 1700 to 31 December 9999. GoldSim 10.5 also includes other enhancements for plotting time history results involving dates.
- When editing an input field, GoldSim automatically suggests the names of existing outputs at the bottom of the input field.
- GoldSim 10.5 supports the extended worksheet ranges (1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns) introduced in Excel 2007.
- If statements can handle mixtures of Arrays and scalars.
- The Time Series elements now include a new representation: Changes and constant values over the previous interval. These options make it easier to import measured time series data, as that is the manner in which it is often actually recorded (i.e., a change or an average value ver the previous time interval).
- The GoldSim Units Manager has been redesigned.
- Lookup Tables now support an option to be linked to a text file. The text file data is imported automatically whenever the data in the file is modified.
- GoldSim 10.5 provides powerful tools for both exploring and manually changing the causality sequence.
- Performance improvements when simulating large, complex models.
- Performance improvements in communication with MS-Excel.
- Simplified array constructors (deduce array label set automatically).
- Use of up to 32 slaves per client computer when using the DP-Plus Module.
Release Notes GoldSim 10.11
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.11 SP4
GoldSim 10.11 SP4 was released on August 26, 2010. GoldSim 10.11 SP4 is a minor upgrade which corrects problems found in GoldSim 10.11 SP3:
- Fixed a bug where CT-module solutions for Cell elements can cause a GoldSim crash.
- Two other changes in GoldSim 10.11 SP4 were to correct minor problems:
- A problem using assisted registration when using the floating license manager.
- SubModels were unable to handle durations longer than 68 years.
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.11 SP3
GoldSim 10.11 SP3 was released on July 27, 2010. GoldSim 10.11 SP3 is a minor upgrade which corrects problems found in GoldSim 10.11 SP2:
- Fixed a bug where CT-module solutions for Cell elements can cause a GoldSim crash.
- All other changes in GoldSim 10.11 SP3 were to correct minor problems, including the following:
- A number of minor issues in the reliability (RL) module.
- A recording Time Series element would not correctly capture its results when run using the distributed processing option.
- Importing data from a corrupted Excel file could cause GoldSim to crash.
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.11 SP2
GoldSim 10.11 SP2 was released on June 18, 2010. GoldSim 10.11 SP2 is a minor upgrade which corrects some problems found in GoldSim 10.11 SP1:
- Fixed a potentially important bug involving available properties. An input that references a run property or an available property may not correctly switch to a closer property of the same name when such a property becomes available. For example: Assume Expression A is inside a container C and references run property Day. That is, a link exists from the Model container to A. Then container C is changed so it is an Internal Clock sub system. This introduces several new available properties at C that should "override" the same names at higher hierarchical levels (i.e. Model). The problem was that Expression A would stay connected to the Day property of Model, instead of automatically connecting to the Day property of C when the property was introduced there.
- All other changes in GoldSim 10.11 SP2 were to correct minor problems, including the following:
- Saving time histories in models that contain optimizing sub-models.
- Fixing a problem for Previous Value elements within looping containers in static models.
- Fixing a problem when exporting time history results to a spreadsheet after running a distributed processing simulation.
- Fixing minor problems with reliability elements and with simulating resources.
- Improved the solution efficiency for contaminant transport models. Run-times are significantly reduced in GoldSim 10.11 SP2.
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.11 SP1
GoldSim 10.11 SP1 was released on April 2, 2010. GoldSim 10.11 SP1 is a minor upgrade which corrects some problems found in GoldSim 10.11:
- When exporting time history results to Excel spreadsheets, the user can incorporate keywords %curtime%, %runtime%, %curdate%, and %rundate% into the file name of the Excel file. These keywords refer to the time and date of the actual simulation model run. Previously, only %curtime% and %curdate% were supported, and they referred to the actual time and date that the Excel file was being created.
- All other changes in GoldSim 10.11 SP1 were to correct minor problems, including the following:
- Errors if exporting time history data to a sheet that did not exist, or if multiple Time History elements targeted the same sheet.
- Issues with SubModels using the CT/RT modules.
- Issues with annual periodicity when shifting Time Series to match the simulation’s time settings.
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.11
GoldSim 10.11 was released on February 25, 2010. GoldSim 10.11 is a minor upgrade consisting of several minor new features, as well as bug fixes and some computational improvements.
The most important changes in GoldSim 10.11 are as follows:
- Within 2D and 3D scatter plots, it is now possible to divide the realizations into different classes, with each class displayed in a different color (and/or symbol). A class is simply defined by a condition (e.g., A > B).
- Two new vector functions were added in GoldSim 10.11. These functions can be used to sort the values in ascending or descending order in a vector.
- Numerous minor improvements and cosmetic changes were made to the Resources feature that was introduced in GoldSim 10.1.
- The Spreadsheet element was improved to make initialization more efficient (will be particularly noticeable with models with hundreds of Spreadsheet elements).
- Fixed a bug that prevented GoldSim Pro users from accessing Reliability elements (GoldSim Pro users should be able to insert up to 10 Reliability elements without having the full Reliability Module activated).
- A bug related to accessing Lookup tables near their upper or lower bounds that could cause GoldSim to crash was fixed.
- The ~Remainder locally available property in Allocator elements was not being correctly calculated. This has been fixed.
- A memory leak that could cause GoldSim to crash when working with a complex file for long time periods was fixed.
New in GoldSim 10.1
GoldSim 10.1 was released on January 11, 2010. GoldSim 10.1 introduces a number of new features and capabilities to GoldSim.
In addition to these Release Notes, a more detailed document that summarizes the major new features in GoldSim 10.1 is provided in the Start Menu (under All Programs | GoldSim 10.1 | Version 10.1 Summary). It is strongly recommended that all existing GoldSim users read this document!
The most important changes in GoldSim 10.11 are as follows:
- Resources can now be modeled in GoldSim. The user can define one or more Resource Types, and specify locations in the model where Stores of the different Resource Types exist. Various elements can have specified requirements for Resources, and will automatically wait for Resources to be available before carrying out their activities. Resources are typically used to represent things such as funds, spare parts, fuel, equipment, or personnel.
- Time Series elements have been significantly enhanced:
- They can contain multiple time series data sets, and the user can control which data set is used for a given model simulation or realization.
- They can import data sets from existing GoldSim model files that are in result mode.
- They have options to allow shifting the time base of their stored histories to match the requirements of the current simulation.
- Array outputs can be directly accessed with arguments that can be functions of time, for example “”Array[X + 2 * Time |yr|].
- User-defined Table functions can be applied to an entire array at one time.
- Logical operators, min(), max() and mod() can process arguments that are a combination of arrays and scalars, e.g. “max(Array, 3)”
- User-defined dates in input fields are automatically converted to the date format set for their Windows computer. This allows a model built in one country to be run in another country with no conversion issues.
- Discrete Change Delay elements can specify that their delay time as a function of the signal that is being delayed.
- Discrete Change Delay elements can require resources in order to process signals, can specify individual delay times for individual signals, and can queue up incoming signals that are not ready to process.
- Command-line options allow a user to directly change model input data and to run sets of simulations from a batch file.
- Reliability Module elements can automatically import failure mode definitions from a spreadsheet, can export reliability to a spreadsheet at the end of a simulation, and can require resources in order to operate or be repaired.
- Reliability Module elements can simulate reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) by selectively triggering repairs of aging components during a PM.
- Reliability Module element can now have custom outputs. This makes it much easier to use the elements to directly output key results such as throughput.
- Contaminant Transport Module Source elements can simulate waste inventory exposure due to congruent dissolution of a waste matrix that itself is dissolved and transported within the model.
- Enhanced Latin hypercube sampling options allow the user to control sampling sequences for SubModels, and to choose mid-point or random-point sampling for LHS strata.
- Within array constructors, row and col variables are interpreted differently from previous versions. In previous versions, row and col always referred to the ordinal row or column number. They now refer to the actual row or column label (for labeled sets, they necessarily still refer to The ordinal row or column number).
- Within Allocators, you can specify how demands with equal priorities are treated. The can be shared equally (as in previous versions), or shared proportionally to the demands.
- Reservoirs now have a new state variable outputs (called Is_Full) that reports True if the Reservoir is at its upper bound.
- Several new navigation features were added to Dashboards.
- Switching between Dashboards in the Player is now faster.
- In previous versions of GoldSim, if you modified the graphical properties of the influences connecting elements (e.g., changed the shape or color) and then copied and pasted (or moved) the Container in which those influences were located, the graphical properties were lost. In GoldSim 10.1, these properties are preserved in the new (pasted) Container.
Release Notes GoldSim 10
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.02
GoldSim 10.02 was released on September 15, 2009. GoldSim 10.02 fixes a number of bugs in GoldSim 10 SP2 (and earlier GoldSim versions). More importantly, it makes some modifications to GoldSim’s Latin Hypercube Sampling algorithm, as well as the manner in which nested Monte Carlo (probabilistic SubModels) are treated. These changes are not described in the Help documentation (this will be updated in the next major release). Rather, they are described in a PDF document that is installed with the software. The document can be accessed via the Start Menu (under All Programs | GoldSim 10 | GoldSim 10.01 Summary).
Additionally, GoldSim 10.02 corrected a bug in 10.01 that affected the CT/RT module. If Cell elements used time-varying amounts of media, and no other properties of the Cells changed with time, the changes in the media amounts would be only partially captured by GoldSim.
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.0 SP2a
GoldSim 10 Service Pack 2 was released on April 29, 2009. GoldSim 10 SP2 fixes several potentially significant bugs in GoldSim 10 SP1 (and earlier GoldSim versions), and also addresses some minor issues.
- A Timed Event Generator that uses the “Remaining time until event” option can emit a spurious second event in the time step following the planned event.
- The GoldSim Player cannot open files that were previously saved by the Player.
- The Convolution element does not require correct units for the transfer function definition.
- Under some circumstances a Material Delay element can produce ‘noisy’ outflow rates. The total amount released is still correct.
- Under rare circumstances a Cell element with an extremely small amount of water present can cause a floating point overflow.
GoldSim 10 Service Pack 2a was released on July 23, 2009. GoldSim 10 SP2a fixes no bugs in GoldSim; in fact, the GoldSim binary files, including the executable files, were not changed at all. Instead, GoldSim 10 SP2a adds some runtime system and licensing files that need to be present on certain computers in order for the GoldSim application to launch and run. If GoldSim 10 SP2 is launching and running on a given computer system, there is no need to install GoldSim 10 SP2a.
Enhancements and Corrections in 10.0 SP1
GoldSim 10 Service Pack 1 was released on March 11, 2009. GoldSim 10 SP1 fixes three potentially significant bugs in GoldSim 10, and also addresses some minor issues that can arise when editing a model file.
- If a Sum element’s value goes to zero, affected elements may not reflect this change.
- If a CT-Module pathway element experiences a change in an advective outflow rate, under certain circumstances it will not incorporate this change.
- When adding elements, under certain conditions (e.g., if the graphics pane was scrolled down or zoomed out), the element could be inserted in the wrong location (i.e., different from where the cursor was placed when right-clicking to insert the element).
New in GoldSim 10
GoldSim 10 was released on February 18, 2009. GoldSim 10 includes a large number of major enhancements, as well as a significant number of general improvements and minor bug corrections to GoldSim 9.60 in order to improve performance and stability.
In addition to these Release Notes, a more detailed document that summarizes the major new features in GoldSim 10 is provided in the Start Menu (under All Programs | GoldSim 10 | Version 10 Summary). It is strongly recommended that all existing GoldSim users read this document!
Major Features and Improvements to the GoldSim Framework:
- An optional user-defined password can be used to protect a model file.
- A large number of changes have been implemented to improve the performance of GoldSim, particularly when editing and manipulating large models.
- Tool-tips for elements now provide a substantial amount of information (previously, they only displayed the name, description and the value). This allows you to better explore and understand a model without having to open dialogs.
- The expression editor in GoldSim has been significantly improved (enhanced error handling, improved tool-tips to facilitate debugging).
- GoldSim 10 supports both .xls and .xlsx Microsoft Excel files.
- A stair-step option (i.e., no interpolation is applied) is now available for Lookup Tables.
- The correlation algorithm for Stochastics has been significantly enhanced. This includes the ability to define a correlation matrix for Stochastic vectors.
- You can now specify a percentile level for a Stochastic. When you do so, GoldSim uses the value corresponding to the specified percentile. Among other things, this can be used to force a particular correlation scheme.
- The Latin Hybercube sampling (LHS) algorithm has been modified to provide a stratified LHS, where subsets of the total set of realizations also represent LHS strata.
- The Importance sampling algorithm for Stochastics has been enhanced.
- Five new distributions are now available (Beta using success/failure, Extreme Probability, Extreme Value, Pearson Type III, Sampled Results).
- An Event Importance Sampling capability has been added to facilitate efficient simulation of low-probability, high-consequence events.
- The Selector dialog has been modified to make it easier to create and view the switches.
- Cloned elements are now graphically identified in the graphics pane.
- Several powerful new vector and matrix constructor capabilities have been added.
- Conditional Containers have been modified to better support project planning simulations.
- Time Series elements have been enhanced to facilitate modeling multiple scenarios.
- GoldSim can now run on 64-bit Windows operating systems. 64-bit native DLLs are also supported for External and External Pathway elements.
- You can now copy and paste multiple elements (previous versions only supported copying and pasting of elements one at a time).
- The licensing system was streamlined to make it more stable, improve assisted registration, and make it easier to switch between floating and standalone licenses.
- The Note Pane has been modified to provide a cleaner interface and full RTF formatting capabilities.
- The Discrete Change Generator element has been modified to allow users to force a specific sequence of operations when causal loops are involved.
Contaminant Transport Module Enhancements and Changes
GoldSim 10 includes a number of significant enhancements to the Contaminant Transport Module:
- A new array label set (Elements) is available. This allows you to enter Fluid and Solid properties (e.g., Solubilities, Partition Coefficients) on an elemental, rather than species basis.
- The Source element has an option to provide a uniform degradation rate of a waste matrix over a specified time period.
- Solubilities can now be entered in terms of either mass/volume or moles/volume.
- All Pathway elements now allow you to specify boundary conditions with either Initial Conditions or Contaminant Input Rates.
- The Cell Pathway allows you to specify a Defined (fixed) Concentration boundary condition.
- Negative flow rates are now allowed between Cell elements (a negative Outflow is treated as a positive Inflow).
- Powerful new capabilities have been added to facilitate simulation of diffusion through partially saturated porous media.
- The Plume function now accepts vector arguments.
- Numerous enhancements have been made to the CellNet Generator.
- An advanced solid property has been added to allow you to specify that suspended particulates may move at a different velocity than the advecting fluid.
- Modifications have been made to the Contaminant Transport Module solution algorithm to better support coupled flow and transport models.
Reliability Module Enhancements and Changes
GoldSim 10 includes a number of significant enhancements to the Reliability Module:
- Several new outputs have been provided for Reliability elements. The most important of these is the Failed output, a vector that provides the status (failed/unfailed) of every failure mode.
- Modifications have been made to the Status output of Reliability elements. Existing users should note that this could potentially change the behavior or some models, so it is critical that you read about these changes in the Summary document.
- Failure modes are now treated as Internal Requirements. This has the advantage of allowing you to define failure modes that are non-fatal.
- The Results tab for Reliability elements has been redesigned.
- An Importance Sampling capability has been added to Reliability elements to facilitate efficient simulation of low-probability, high-consequence failures.
- Improvements have been made to better support simulating internally handled Actions.
Distributed Processing Module Enhancements
Two important improvements were made to the Distributed Processing Module:
- You can now specify that multiple realizations are sent (at the same time) to each Slave. This is valuable in situations when the Slave communication process is the bottleneck (e.g., running a large number of quick realizations).
- If a distributed processing run is halted, the Master now provides an option to resume the simulation.
Dashboard Authoring Module Enhancements
One of the more significant sets of enhancements included in GoldSim 10 are changes to the Dashboard Authoring Module. The most important of these are listed below.
- You can now control the size of the Dashboard window in the Player, and if this is smaller than the Dashboard itself, the Dashboard supports scrolling.
- You can now copy and paste Dashboard elements and individual Dashboard controls.
- You can now toggle between an Active and Design View when viewing a Dashboard in Edit Mode within GoldSim.
- The Edit control has been updated such that any entered values are immediately recognized and validated (previous versions required you to press Enter or change focus). In addition, you can choose to force the value to be a multiple of a particular increment.
- Improved alignment tools have been provided to help you to design your Dashboards.
- You can now set the Tab Order for all controls in a Dashboard.
- The Checkbox control has been updated to allow, among other things, a label and a default value.
- The button control has been updated. Additional button options include an option to edit a lookup table, and to select a new spreadsheet to link to for a Spreadsheet, Time Series, or Lookup Table element.
- The Slider control has been updated such that can choose to force the value to be a multiple of a particular increment.
- A new Date-Picker control has been added to allow you to enter dates directly on a Dashboard.
- List and Combo Box controls have been added to allow you to select one value from a list of values.
- A new Grid control has been added that allows you to create a grid of controls. The grid cells can be made up of scalar, vector or matrix Data elements, and can be Edit Boxes, Check Boxes or Combo Boxes.
- A new Status output control has been added that allows you to display a specified image on the Dashboard based on the value of an output (e.g., show a green light if X >- 0 and a red light if X<0).
- You can now reset all controls to their default values either through a button command or via a context menu when designing the Dashboard.
Additional Minor Enhancements
A large number of minor modifications were also implemented. The most notable of these are:
- The expanded Open and Save File dialogs are supported when using Windows Vista.
- Print Preview (which was previously disabled) is now supported again.
- Improved Hyperlink object functionality.
- Financial elements now support negative discrete changes. For example, a negative Deposit is now accepted and treated as a Withdrawal).
- You can now browse into SubModels within the Function of or Affects browser.
Release Notes GoldSim 9.60
New in GoldSim 9.60 SP5
GoldSim 9.60 SP5 (Service Pack 5) was released on February 24, 2010. However, anyone with a Subscription that did not expire before January 30, 2008 will be able to run this version.
Effective in the Spring of 2010, licenses for GoldSim versions prior to 9.60 SP5 will no longer be valid. GoldSim 9.60 is several years old, and has been superseded by other versions. However, a number of organizations have legacy GoldSim 9.60 models, and GoldSim 9.60 SP5 was released in order to extend the duration for which GoldSim 9.60 licenses will be valid. GoldSim 9.60 SP5 also uses the newest licensing software version (as of February 2010), which is fully compatible with the current GoldSim release version as of February 2011 (GoldSim 10.11).
Other than for the licensing changes, and a number of bug fixes (also provided in 9.60 SP4 HotFix 1), GoldSim 9.60 SP5 is functionally identical to GoldSim 9.60 SP4.
Installing GoldSim 9.60 SP5
Prior to installing GoldSim 9.60 SP5, you should uninstall any prior version of GoldSim 9.60 that is on your computer.
When you download from the GoldSim Web site, an installation file called GS9605.exe will be copied to a folder that you select on your computer. You should have at least 200 MB of disk space available before downloading.
Once you have downloaded GS9605.exe, simply double-click on it to install GoldSim on your machine. Once GoldSim is installed, you can delete the installation file.
Enhancements and Corrections in 9.60 SP4
GoldSim 9.60 SP4 (Service Pack 4) was released on January 30, 2008. GoldSim 9.60 SP4 includes some minor feature enhancements and several bug corrections to GoldSim 9.60 SP3. All reported bugs were corrected, with the exception of some minor user-interface issues. Specific items that were modified include:
- The CT Module’s Network Pathway element was modified to support up to 999 watch groups for monitoring internal flux rates.
- The Function-of and Affects browsers that let users follow the chain of logic through a model have been modified to allow tracing logic into and through SubModel elements.
- Corrected a problem with the Time Series element that could cause it to compute incorrect ‘Average value over timestep’ when extremely short timesteps occurred.
- Corrected a problem when using recording Time Series elements inside looping Containers.
- Corrected a problem with the Event Generator element, for the option ‘time to next event occurrence’, where the event time would not be rescheduled unless the input time changed.
- Corrected a problem with the Dashboard’s ‘digital output display’, which could cause a crash if its value was updated at an extremely high rate.
- Corrected a problem in SP3 where an invalid input to an Allocator element would cause a crash while editing the model.
- Corrected a problem where a Submodel could erroneously accept a link that caused an invalid (recursive) model sequence.
- Corrected some problems associated with the Submodel element’s interface definitions.
- Corrected a problem where a Submodel user interface could be changed without the versioning system recording the change.
- Corrected a problem in computing sensitivity analysis coefficients for very large matrices (due to roundoff). Also corrected a problem where sensitivity analysis results were not updated after changing the input selections.
- Corrected a problem where a bad hyperlink could be created that would crash GoldSim when clicked on.
- Corrected a problem where a displayed result chart would be invalid following maximizing or printing.
- Corrected a problem associated with discarding results following an aborted simulation.
- Modified the Start_Time run property to be ‘static’ so that it can be used for inputs to the initial values of model elements.
- Corrected a problem in reversing changes when a user cancelled out of editing a previously-invalid input expression.
- Corrected user-interface problems that could cause crashes while running distributed processing.
Enhancements and Corrections in 9.60 SP3
GoldSim 9.60 SP3 (Service Pack 3) was released on November 16, 2007. GoldSim 9.60 SP3 includes some minor feature enhancements and several bug corrections to GoldSim 9.60 SP2. All reported bugs were corrected, with the exception of some minor user-interface issues. Specific items that were modified include:
- A new run property, Start_Time, was added. This represents the date/time of the start of the simulation. It can be used to help specify initial conditions for a model.
- Modified the Time Series element’s behavior when it is set to record. If it is in an active container at the start of the realization, it records and simultaneously outputs the signal that it is recording. However, if its container is inactive at the start of the realization, the element outputs the last history that it recorded.
- Corrected a bug in the Allocator element, which affected how identical-priority outputs were allocated their shares.
- Corrected a bug in the Event Generator element that affected results for date-time models that had time-varying event rates.
- Corrected a bug in the Material Delay element that affected vector items with different delay times for each item.
- Corrected a bug in the CT module, where incorrect mass amounts could be calculated for Source and Pipe elements when decay chains had feedback loops.
- Corrected errors in the RL module that could cause crashes when displaying element performance results.
Enhancements and Corrections in 9.60 SP2
GoldSim 9.60 SP2 (Service Pack 2) was released on July 15, 2007. GoldSim 9.60 SP2 includes some minor feature enhancements and a number of bug corrections to GoldSim 9.60 SP1. All reported bugs were corrected, with one exception (dragging text from one GoldSim input field and dropping it into another input field can cause a crash). Specific items that were modified include:
- A number of changes were made to reduce the time required for routine tasks, such as parsing large model files, moving elements or containers in large files, displaying time history results.
- Corrected a bug in the Allocator element, that prevented output values from dropping to zero when the input amount was insufficient for them to receive a fraction.
- Corrected a bug that could result in erroneous results for array-type “if then else” calculations. NB: this is a potentially serious that could have resulted in incorrect results for users doing vector or matrix calculations. See for information on how to check your existing models to see if they were affected by this bug.
- Corrected a bug that affected the import of temperature data (in C or F) to time series or lookup-table elements.
- Corrected a bug that prevented importing vectors defined as rows in Excel files.
- Corrected a bug that prevented using the “ symbol to represent inches.
Enhancements and Corrections in 9.60 SP1
GoldSim 9.60 SP1 (Service Pack 1) was released on April 20, 2007. GoldSim 9.60 SP1 includes some minor feature enhancements and a number of bug corrections to GoldSim 9.60. Specific items that were modified include:
- Allow feedback loops in decay chains used by Pipe elements provided they are unused.
- Allow the Fund, CashFlow, and Investment elements to accept negative discrete change inputs.
- Player file users cannot change the simulation duration.
- Using the GetColumn() function on a vector item caused GoldSim to crash.
- Clicking the “Export now” button in a new Time History element could cause GoldSim to crash.
- The Splitter and Allocator elements permitted duplicate output names.
- GoldSim crashed if the array-labels for the columns of a matrix-type Time Series element were changed.
- Pipe and Network pathway elements could give inaccurate results when used for extremely long simulation times.
- The total mass reported for a Network Pathway could be incorrect.
- The CellNet Generator element always placed the generated elements in the model root container.
- Dashboard buttons that were defined as transparent appeared black when opened with the GoldSim Player.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 9.60
GoldSim 9.60 was released on March 9, 2007. GoldSim 9.60 includes a number of major enhancements, as well as a significant number of general improvements and minor bug corrections to GoldSim 9.50 in order to improve performance and stability.
Note that GoldSim 9.60 no longer supports old-style Table elements. Users who wish to convert old-style Table elements into the new (reference-only) style should first open their models in GoldSim 9.50, which has an option for automatic conversion of old-style Table elements (just edit each Table element and press the “Convert…” button). Converting old-style Table elements for use in GoldSim 9.60 is discussed in detail in a brief document that can be found in the Start Menu (under All Programs | GoldSim 9.60 | Release Info | Converting to 9.6).
The most significant changes included in GoldSim 9.60 are listed below:
- The Material Time Series and Information Time Series elements have been retired, and replaced by a single new Time Series element which is both simpler and more versatile than the old elements. Existing models with Material or Information Time Series elements will be automatically converted. Refer to the Help information or the User Manual for documentation of the new Time Series element. Amongst other capabilities, the Time Series element is now capable of recording a time series that can be ‘played back’ later. The automatic conversion of Time Series elements is discussed in more detail in a brief document that can be found in the Start Menu (under All Programs | GoldSim 9.60 | Release Info | Converting to 9.6).
- Options have been added to the Simulation Settings dialog to allow a user to use calendar-based (monthly, quarterly, or annual) as opposed to constant timesteps in their models. To learn about this feature, open the Help system, select the Index tab, and enter "Timesteps", and then select "calendar-based".
- Results inside of SubModels can now be saved and viewed. To learn about this feature, open the Help system, select the Index tab, and enter "Submodels", and then select "saving results inside".
- The user interface and functionality for External elements and External Pathways (in the CT Module) has been enhanced and improved. Among other things, external functions can now input and output Time Series.
- As mentioned above, the old-style lookup Table elements have been retired.
- At the start of a new simulation GoldSim’s “Timestep_length” parameter used to be set equal to 0. In GoldSim 9.60 it is set equal to the first defined timestep’s length. This allows users to divide by Timestep_length with causing a divide-by-zero error.
- Array-label sets are now allowed to have a single item (previously at least two items were required).
- The unit “L” for liters can now be used with SI-type modifiers, e.g. mL, ML, GL etc.
- The Distributed Processing module has been enhanced for faster file transfer and greater stability.
- Numerous changes were made to correct minor bugs and to improve stability and performance when linking GoldSim to spreadsheets.
- Numerous changes were made to correct minor bugs and to improve stability and performance when using SubModels.
- The Watch Groups features within Network Pathways (in the CT Module) has been enhanced.
- An error in the element sequencer has been corrected that had the potential to put static elements inside subsystems in an incorrect update order. The problem has existed since GoldSim 9.00.
Release Notes GoldSim 9.50
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 9.50
GoldSim 9.50 was released on October 8, 2006. GoldSim 9.50 includes a large number of major enhancements (including 10 new elements), as well as a significant number of general improvements and minor bug corrections to GoldSim 9.21 in order to improve performance and stability.
In addition to these Release Notes, a more detailed document that summarizes the major new features in GoldSim 9.50 is provided in the Start Menu (under All Programs | GoldSim 9.50 | Release Info | Summary of New Features). It is strongly recommended that all existing GoldSim users read this document!
Major New Features
The most significant changes included in GoldSim 9.50 are listed below:
- A new Splitter element has been added. These elements split an incoming signal according to some specified fractions or amounts. Typically, the signal will be a flow of material (e.g., water), but it could also be a resource, or a discrete transaction.
- A new Allocator element has been added. Allocator elements allocate an incoming signal according to a specified set of demands and priorities. Typically, the signal will be a flow of material (e.g., water), but it could also be a resource, or a discrete transaction.
- A new History Generator element has been added. History Generators allow users to easily generate stochastic time histories, and should be useful for simulating financial and economic variables (e.g., security prices, interest rates), as well as stochastic variables in other arenas (e.g., demands for resources such as water).
- A new Interrupt element has been added. The Interrupt element is triggered by an event, and responds by interrupting the simulation. The triggering event can be a discrete event signal or another type of event (e.g., a condition, such as X becoming greater than Y).
- A new element has been added (called a SubModel) that allows you to embed one model within another model. This powerful feature facilitates a number of advanced modeling applications, including two-dimensional Monte Carlo analysis and probabilistic optimization.
- An entire new module has been added to GoldSim: the Financial Module. The Financial Module provides five types of financial elements to support simulation of financial systems or financial aspects of engineering systems. It allows you to probabilistically simulate components such as accounts and funds, investments, options, projects or undertakings with specified cash flows, and insurance policies.
- In previous versions of GoldSim, local variables were accessed using the prefix "local". For example, within a Looping Container, the loop counter was accessed as "local.LoopCount". The "local" prefix has now been replaced by the tilde (~). For example, within a Looping Container, the loop counter is now accessed as "~LoopCount".
- In some cases, it is useful to retrieve a particular item from a 1-D array (a vector) or a particularly row or column from a 2-D array (a matrix). GoldSim 9.5 provides new functions to facilitate this.
- A new tab has been added to the Simulation Settings dialog to allow you to define global properties (constants) that can be referenced throughout the model.
- To better support the development of financial models, GoldSim 9.5 now provides an easier way to access and modify currency units. In particular, GoldSim now provides a new menu option (under Model in then main menu) for editing and defining Currencies….
- All input edit controls in Dashboards (input edit fields, checkboxes and sliders) now contain an extra field for specifying whether or not the control can be changed by the user during a simulation.
- The Calculator section of a Stochastic (and Distribution result) now displays a new statistic, the Conditional Tail Expectation for the specified Cumulative Probability/Value pair.
- Material Time Series elements now display a fatal error if they encounter a negative values. Previous versions allowed negative value.
- An error in the distributed processing logic has been corrected that has existed since GoldSim 9.10 (September 2005). In simulations where not all of the realization histories were saved the calculated time-history statistics are partially incorrect: the standard deviation and quantile values are invalid. The minimum, maximum, and mean values are correct.
- Numerous changes were made to improve stability and performance when linking GoldSim to spreadsheets.
Release Notes GoldSim 9.2
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 9.21
GoldSim 9.21 was released on April 28, 2006. GoldSim 9.21 includes several minor enhancements, particularly to time history result elements and plots, as well as a significant number of general improvements and minor bug corrections to GoldSim 9.20 in order to improve performance and stability.
The most significant changes and corrections included in GoldSim 9.21 are listed below:
- In previous versions, when plotting probability histories of multiple outputs with multiple realizations, GoldSim always plotted (or displayed in tables) the mean value for each output. In 9.21, the user can now select what statistic to plot and display (e.g., median, mean, or a specified percentile).
- A new export format has been added to Time History Result elements. The new export option creates a simple ASCII text file in the form of a table. It has a format similar to the Table View of the output. Each row in the table is exported as a single row in the text file, and values are separated by tabs.
- A new option has been added to Time History Result elements to enable deactivation of the element. When a Result element is deactivated, it no longer forces the outputs that it references to be automatically saved.
- In all previous versions of GoldSim, Reservoir elements could not accept Discrete Changes with a Replace instruction. In 9.21, the Discrete Addition field in a Reservoir can now accept Discrete Changes with Replace instructions.
- A number of improvements and corrections were made to support defining and importing/exporting species in the Contaminant Transport Module.
- Changes have been made to improve the performance of models when deleting large containers.
- In GoldSim 9.20, the Stochastic element distribution dialog was not accessible in Result Mode. This problem has been corrected.
- Source Containers did not previously support aliases for exposed outputs. This problem has been corrected.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 9.20
GoldSim 9.20 was released on January 18, 2006. GoldSim 9.20 provides a number of enhancements to the Contaminant Transport and Radionuclide Transport (CT and RT) modules, as well as some general improvements and corrections to GoldSim 9.10 SP2. It also incorporates significant enhancements to the performance and stability of linkages to Excel spreadsheets.
One significant bug was corrected in GoldSim 9.20. This bug, which has existed since GoldSim 9.00, affected the CT and RT modules’ Pipe and Network pathway elements. An error would occur with these elements if either a material property or an outflow rate changed during a simulation. The result of the error was that any contaminant masses introduced to the pathway during the timestep preceding the change, and which had not yet been discharged from the pathway, would be lost from the system.
GoldSim 9.20 provides the following new features for the CT and RT modules:
- The Source element has been significantly modified, and now serves as a container element. All Cell elements associated with a Source element must now be placed within the Source. Users with existing pre-9.20 models that use Source element should refer to the conversion notes below for information about how to convert their models.
- The Species element’s information can be exported to and imported from a spreadsheet. This allows for the transfer of a species list, along with decay properties, between GoldSim models. Also, new options allow for specification of decay rates as either rates or half lives, and for sorting of the species list by either name or atomic weight.
- The Cell-net generator element has been enhanced with better support for axisymmetric models, direct links to media types, and an option for anisotropic diffusion properties.
- The Network Pathway element, typically used to represent transport through fractured rock masses, has been enhanced to support “Watch Groups” which track the mass flux through selected ‘windows’ within the system. This allows the user to monitor the progress of transport through a complex network.
In addition, a number of minor corrections and upgrades were made to GoldSim.
Source Element Conversion
The GoldSim CT Module’s Source element was modified in GoldSim 9.20 so as to make the logic of “Associated Cells” much clearer. As discussed in the GoldSim Contaminant Transport Module User’s Guide, Associated Cells and their interconnecting flux links are automatically scaled in proportion to the number of failed Source containers. Prior to GoldSim 9.20, any Cell in the same Container as a Source was automatically designated an Associated Cell (unless the user manually edited the Cell and deactivated the association).
As of GoldSim 9.20, the Source element acts as a container. This means that other elements can be placed inside a Source element. There are two purposes for this change:
- Associated Cell elements are now uniquely identified by being placed within their associated Source.
- Any other elements that represent logic associated with a specific Source can now be located within the Source, for greater model clarity.
When a pre- 9.20 model that used Source elements is first loaded, a dialog will appear that summarizes the number of Source elements and their Associated Cells. Before the model can be run using GoldSim 9.20 (or higher), each associated Cell must be moved into its associated Source. This can typically be done by dragging and dropping it onto the Source. If the Cell is in a different container than the Source, right-click on it and select the Move option. (Note: if the elements that are moved are inside a localized Container, and they have outputs that are exposed on the localized Container, these outputs will have to be re-exposed after the elements are moved).
Optionally, other elements can also be moved inside a Source element. However, Source elements cannot contain other Source elements.
Release Notes GoldSim 9.1
Enhancements and Corrections in 9.10 SP2
Service Pack 2 (SP2): GoldSim 9.10 SP2 was released on November 11, 2005, to correct the following problems:
- Importing of Table element data from spreadsheets may fail if the model accesses multiple spreadsheets.
- An error in the calculation sequence can occur in rare cases where feedback loops are involved, and can result in incorrect solutions of Cell networks for time = 0.
- Several other user-interface and installation problems.
Enhancements and Corrections in 9.10 SP1
Service Pack 1 (SP1): GoldSim 9.10 SP1 was released on November 4, 2005, to correct the following problems:
- A problem with displaying probability time-history results, when not all time histories were saved.
- An error in the sequencing logic for Reservoir element “Overflow rate” and “Actual withdrawal rate” outputs. This error allowed these outputs to be treated as ‘state variables’, which was not correct.
- Formatting problems with dashboard input fields when using % units.
- Several other user-interface and installation problems.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 9.10:
GoldSim 9.10 was released on September 25, 2005. GoldSim 9.10 provides a new GoldSim module, the Reliability (RL) module, as well as some enhancements and correction to GoldSim 9.00 SP1.
The Reliability Module provides a number of powerful features for simulating the performance of complex engineered systems. See the Reliability Module product page on the GoldSim web site for additional details. All licensed GoldSim users have access to the RL module, however unless an RL-specific license is acquired no more than ten (10) of the new RL elements can be used in a model.
GoldSim 9.10 also provides the following new features:
- The Reservoir element has been enhanced to anticipate the times when its value would hit its upper or lower bound, and it automatically generates an event in the system time queue. This means that longer time steps can be used without concern for the accuracy of Reservoir element results due to overshooting a limit.
- Automatic conversion of version-8 models has been enhanced, so that previous-value links for events and discrete changes are now automatically converted to use Previous Value elements.
- The Status element now reports an error if it receives both a True and a False trigger at the same time.
In addition, a number of minor corrections and upgrades were made. Items of note include the following:
- Some issues with dashboard output values not being updated, or incorrectly being editable, were corrected.
- A number of problems with Spreadsheet elements were corrected.
- A problem where a normal distribution Stochastic with a zero standard deviation would cause a crash was fixed.
- A problem was corrected with result interpretation, for condition-type results, that occurred when the Monte Carlo model used importance sampling.
- Problems in running Sensitivity analyses were corrected, including a problem when controlling the probability levels of Stochastic elements.
- Problems when using the changed(..) or Occurs(..) operators in the input to a Data element or an And element were corrected.
- A problem with generating statistical history results for values larger than 1e20 was corrected.
Release Notes GoldSim 9.0
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 9 SP1
Service Pack 1 (SP1): GoldSim 9.00 SP1 was released on June 21, 2005. Some of the problems fixed in GoldSim 9.00 SP1 are:
- Corrects problems with the Previous Value element’s initial value.
- Allows the use of Selector elements to define initial values for other elements.
- Fixes a minor chart axis labeling problem and an error in date-time based probability history charts.
- Corrects a problem with units for the Pareto distribution of the Stochastic element.
- Fixes a problem with the Reservoir element, which could produce incorrect results after it receives a discrete change during an unscheduled timestep (due to an event of some kind).
- Fixes a problem with the Timed Event Generator element, which caused GoldSim to freeze if the element is used in date-time simulations.
- Miscellaneous minor user-interface enhancements.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 9.00:
GoldSim 9.00 was released on May 24, 2005. GoldSim 9 provides a number of significant new features, including the following:
- Enhanced graphics allow customization of the colors and shapes of influence arrows (including support for curved arrows), draw influences from center-to-center of elements (instead of from port to port), and use auto-layering of graphics. These modifications provide a much improved look and feel to the user interface.
- Improved influence filtering, such that influences can now be filtered differently in each Container and filtering can be specified based on the type of data that the influence represents (e.g., continuous values or discrete signals).
- Improved timestepping algorithms to support both continuous and discrete simulations, including the ability to dynamically adjust the timestep during a simulation based on the current value of variables in the model.
- Enhanced Container functionality, including the ability to create:
- Looping Systems defined by do-while or repeat-until conditions; and
- Internal Clock Systems which allow specific Containers to have a different (smaller) timsteps than the rest of the model.
- Simplified approach to creating conditional systems with activation and deactivation rules.
- Enhanced and tighter integration with Microsoft Excel ® spreadsheets, including:
- User-interface for selecting reference cells directly in Excel from GoldSim;
- Ability to use dynamically calculate cell offsets (row, column, sheet) based on a GoldSim expression;
- Ability to manually or dynamically import Time Series and Table element data from a spreadsheet; and
- Ability to manually or dynamically export simulation results to spreadsheets.
- Enhanced support for discrete-event models, including an improved triggering dialog.
- Automated sensitivity analysis capabilities, including:
- A new Multi-Variate Result display that provides statistical measures of sensitivity; and
- A separate run option that carries out calculations that provide additional graphical sensitivity analyses (e.g., tornado charts).
- Automated global Optimization capabilities. The new optimization features allow you to specify an objective function (a specific result that you would like to minimize or maximize), a constraint (a condition that must be met), and one or more optimization variables (variables in your model that you conceptually have some control over). GoldSim then runs the model multiple times, systematically selecting combinations of values for each of the optimization variables. By doing so, GoldSim can determine the values of the optimization variables that optimize (minimize or maximize) the objective function while meeting the specified constraint.
- New powerful elements:
- An enhanced Lookup Table element, which combines the former three Lookup Table elements into one element and adds new functionality such as the ability to link directly to spreadsheets.
- The Random Choice element, which is similar to a Decision element, and is particularly useful for representing event trees (processes consisting of specified random event sequences).
- The Previous-Value element, which replaces the ~ operator and provides access to the previous value of any model output. This element is particularly useful for simualating recursive systems, and facilitates looping calculations within the new Looping Container.
- Improvements to the GoldSim licensing system designed to make it easier to manage your license. For example, you can now run multiple GoldSim versions on a single machine using a single license.
- A problem related to moving cloned Containers has been corrected. In previous versions, if you moved a cloned Container, all of the cloning information was lost (the Container and its contents were no longer cloned). This has been fixed.
- Several very powerful additions to the Contaminant transport module:
- A new CellNet Generator element to automate the creation of large networks of Cells.
- A new mass flux link has been added (precipitate removal mass flux links) that can be used to transport precipitated mass directly from one pathway to another.
- A new mass flux link has been added (treatment mass flux links) that can be used to provide a mechanism for treating or removing a fraction of the amount of mass entering a Cell.
In addition to these major changes, GoldSim 9 also includes a large number of smaller improvements and modifications, as well as a number of bug fixes. As pointed out above, in addition to these Release Notes, a more detailed document that summarizes the modifications in GoldSim 9, and discusses any issues related to converting model files from GoldSim 8 is provided in the Start Menu (under All Programs | GoldSim 9.0 | Release Info | Converting v8 Models). It is strongly recommended that all existing GoldSim users read this document!
Release Notes GoldSim 8.0
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 8.02 SP4
Service Pack 4 (SP4): GoldSim 8.02 SP4 was released on March 25, 2005. Some of the problems fixed in GoldSim 8.02 SP4 are:
- Enhanced fonts in dialogs for Chinese versions of Windows.
- Implements changes to the GoldSim license system to be compatible with GoldSim 9.
- Improved solution times for very large CT models.
- Allow user-defined cumulative probability distributions to have repeated values or probabilities.
- Miscellaneous minor user-interface enhancements.
Service Pack 3 (SP3): GoldSim 8.02 SP3 was released on December 9, 2004. Some of the problems fixed in GoldSim 8.02 SP3 are:
- Corrects a problem with excessive outflow rates that could cause solver errors.
- Fixes a problem with sealed and locked containers, which allowed users to change attributes without breaking the seal or preventing the change. Also, fixes a password problem with locked containers
- Implements a number of changes to the GoldSim license system that allow shared licenses and a more robust registration process.
- Help files have been updated. Help for the Contaminant Transport module is now included.
Click here for a complete list of changes.
Service Pack 2 (SP2): GoldSim 8.02 SP2 was released on September 13, 2004. GoldSim 8.02 SP2 corrects a minor calculation-sequencing problem found in SP1, and modifies the standard run-log file format to reduce the number of unimportant messages that are recorded.
Service Pack 1 (SP1): GoldSim 8.02 SP1 was released on August 20, 2004. GoldSim 8.02 SP1 corrects a significant CT-module bug plus some minor problems found in GoldSim 8.02, and adds two new features. The significant changes are:
- For decay-chain solutions the CT-Module ‘direct-transfer-rate’ option could ‘shuffle’ its outputs. This was corrected.
- The Event-Delay element can now have the delay times randomly sampled from a Stochastic element’s distribution.
- The Timed Event Generator can now have the event times randomly sampled from a Stochastic element’s distribution.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 8.02:
GoldSim 8.02 was released on June 25, 2004. GoldSim 8.02 combines all previous service packs and adds a small number of additional corrections and additions.
- Corrected a problem with reparsing elements.
- Changed expression updating and pre-run model checks.
- Fixed shortcut keys for subscript and superscript fonts in text boxes (Ctrl-=, Ctrl-+)
- Improved reparse performance for distributed processing simulations.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 8.01
Service Pack 6 (SP6): Service Pack 6 for GoldSim 8.01 was released on May 28, 2004. SP6 includes three fixes:
- Corrected a problem where an element’s name could be changed but not all elements referencing it would have the references corrected. This problem existed in all earlier version of GoldSim, but seldom occurred and usually generated an error message that the user could easily correct.
- Modified the contaminant transport algorithm to allow carrying out of transport and decay calculations for masses as small as 1e-24 kg (high precision option).
- Modified the contaminant transport algorithm to allow shorter time sub-steps, and to limit the generation of warning messages for zero-solubility chemical elements.
Service Pack 5 (SP5): Service Pack 5 for GoldSim 8.01 was released on April 22, 2004. SP5 includes a number of minor fixes, plus the following:
- Corrected an SP4 problem where a CT solution could hang and not complete.
- Corrected an SP3-4 CT problem where the amount of contaminants exposed during a timestep could be too large.
- Increased the efficiency of model re-parsing.
- Allow triangular probability distributions to have min = mode = max..
- Corrected a problem where Reservoir elements with multiple discrete changes could cause a GoldSim crash.
Service Pack 4 (SP4): Service Pack 4 for GoldSim 8.01 was released on March 19, 2004. SP4 includes a number of minor fixes, plus the following:
- The method used to create the Latin hypercube strata in GoldSim was modified so as to have completely separate, independent sets of strata. (All previous version of GoldSim used the same suite of strata for different Stochastic elements, simply shifting the array of strata by one for each element).
- License error checking and reporting of license errors has been enhanced.
- Last run log is available for display in edit mode.
- Error checking in the cell-net solver of the CT/RT module has been improved.
- Chart keyword %#cr% has been added to allow automatic display of current realization number
Service Pack 3 (SP3): Service Pack 3 for GoldSim 8.01 was released on February 23, 2004. Note that it is NOT file-compatible with the previous two 8.01 Service Packs. Users wishing to read GoldSim files saved using SP3 will need to install SP3 or a later version of GoldSim. SP3 includes a number of minor fixes, plus the following
- The Integrator element has been given an option to use a ‘backwards-looking’ integration algorithm, which applies the current rate of change to the previous time step. (By default, the current rate of change is applied to the next time step). This option is intended to allow CT/RT-module users to integrate mass fluxes in a way that is consistent with the CT/RT modules. Enable the feature using the Model/Options dialog, and then each Integrator element will provide a new tab to allow you to enable the feature for that element.
- A bug was fixed that would affect model results if a) importance-sampling was enabled for some Stochastic elements, and b) the Distributed Processing option was selected.
- The CT/RT module was enhanced for better solution of problems involving both huge and small masses, and to give more precise warning messages if negative masses were created (and ignored) during a solution.
- Some problem areas involving extremely large models and results, run using the Distributed Processing module, were resolved.
- A new Convolution element, which lets you project future consequences that can be mathematically described as convolution integrals . For example, if you are selling new cars at a rate of 1000 per month, what are your future liabilities for warranty repairs? Convolution can be used to solve problems like this.
- You can now define data arrays (vectors and matrices) within an input field using array constructor functions.
- Stochastic elements can now be defined as vectors.
- Date/Time models are no longer limited in their duration (previously, they could not extend beyond 2035).
- Improved functionality for globally changing symbols for elements. For example, you could instruct GoldSim to change the symbols for all Integrator elements in the model to a specified image.
- Improved Hyperlink functionality. The Hyperlink object is now more powerful and easier to use.
- Improved array functions. The If statement now supports term-by-term calculation (i.e., the condition can be an array). You can also raise an array to a power, and the calculation will be carried out term-by-term.
- Improved triggering functionality. The Trigger dialog for specifying triggering events now support two additional types: OnFalse and IfTrue. In addition, you can specify multiple events and instruct GoldSim not to pull the trigger until all events have occurred.
- Improved sequencing logic. The sequencing logic in GoldSim has been totally redesigned. This particularly improves the ability of GoldSim to represent recursive discrete event systems.
- A new textbox object has been added. This allows you to add scrollable textboxes (with multiple fonts) to the graphics pane.
- The equality operator can now be entered as either == or = (previously, only == was accepted).
- When you open a model file that contains large amounts of simulation results, the results can now be loaded in the background while the model can be browsed and individual results viewed in the foreground.
- Lists of slave names or their IP addresses used for complex distributed network runs can be imported from or exported to files.
- GoldSim internally stores images (e.g. background pictures) in a highly compressed format that preserves the quality, color depth and resolution of the original. GoldSim also supports a number of new graphic file formats.
- A new slave manager service (only supported on Windows NT and above) has been added that can remotely launch slaves for distributed network simulations.
- The distributed networking module (DP) has been largely rewritten for faster and more reliable communication, data exchange and simulation execution.
- Model files can now be larger than 2GB (on NTFS file systems only) and support virtually unlimited amounts of history results.
- Generalized units ‘date’ and ‘datetime’ have been added to provide better support for time-based display units.
- Viewing probabilistic results of conditions and discrete distributions has been improved.
- Two new outputs (the number of realizations and the total duration) have been added to the MasterClock.
- Discrete Changes and Discrete Change Delays can now handle matrices (previously, they could only handle scalars and vectors).
- When exporting charts, more graphics formats are now available.
- Units for several foreign currencies (euro, yen, pound sterling) are now supported (i.e., you can add new units for these).
- A new % unit has been added so you can enter data as percentages.
- The Information and Material Delay elements now allow you to specify the Delay Time and Dispersion as arrays (if the input signal is an array), and then each item is delayed separately.
- The CT (Contaminant Transport) and RT (Radionuclide Tranport) modules also have some significant changes:
- The old ‘Chain-by-chain’ solution algorithm for cell-nets is no longer supported (it has been replaced by the faster “family-by-family” algorithm.
- A change has been made in how partition factors are defined for fluids that have defined solubilities:
Significant CT/RT Changes
- For any fluid for which solubilities have been defined, GoldSim will internally compute a partition coefficient for the species in that fluid (with respect to the reference fluid) that is equal to the ratio of the solubility of the species in the fluid to the solubility of the species in the reference fluid.
- If the reference fluid has an unlimited solubility for a species, any other fluids with specified solubilities must also have an unlimited solubility for that species (and GoldSim will assume a partition coefficent equal to unity).
- If you wish a fluid to have different solubility limits from the reference fluid, but to have a partition coefficient relative to the reference fluid of 1.0, you can do so by creating a clone of the reference fluid.
- A new ‘direct transfer’ option for mass flux has been added to the existing advective and diffusive capabilities. This new option provides a very general first-order transfer process for cases that aren’t advective or diffusive.
- Contaminant species can have up to four daughter products.
- The stoichiometry of a species can now be a link (rather than a constant).
- Cells now compute the Dissolved Concentration in fluids (if a suspended solid is present) and the Precipitated Mass (i.e., the total amount of mass in the cell which has precipitated out of solution).
- Cell-nets can span multiple Containers.
- Associated Cells (for Sources) can now reside in Containers other than the Source Container.
- Fixed a problem with correlation factor of -1 between stochastic elements.
- Fixed a problem with suspended solids in Pipe elements.
- Fixed numerous minor editing and cosmetic problems.
Release Notes GoldSim 7.5
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.51.2
- Adds context-sensitive help support to GoldSim
- Removes limitation on maximum number of table rows in Yucca Mountain database format
- Adds error code information to Registration Failure dialog
- Fixes minor problem with temperature units in unit-expressions
- CT Species element isotope flag does not trigger saving changes
- Fixes a problem in the Round function which did not correctly handle big numbers (> 2.4e9)
- Fixes a problem that could case GoldSim to crash when adding or removing the Expression element’s initial value input
- Fixes a file saving bug when using versioning
- Corrects an error in pipe pathway if pipe completely empties and then its properties change
- Fixes a problem that causes correlations between Stochastics to cease working
- Corrects a problem causing incorrect Import/export from/to spreadsheets if columns > 'Z' referenced
- Fixes a problem in random number generator which would not always generate unique random number seeds when pasting a container with elements into a model
- Corrects decay-chain logic which incorrectly indicates a loop
- Fixes cloning problems in information or material Delay elements
- Fixes several issues when exporting result database
- Fixes a problem in CT solver (family-by-family) which could fail when very small delta masses are involved
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.51.1
- Fixes a problem with hyperlink components, which did not always function correctly when embedded in dashboards.
- Fixes problems when cloning Material Time Series, Information Time Series, Sum, Extrema, Fluid and Source elements.
- Fixes a problem with constant date/time strings (e.g. “01/01/2003”) in input expressions. GoldSim mistakenly requested a unit string to be added to the date.
- Fixes a problem with memory buildup while running complex models.
- Fixes a problem with the result file import function, which is used to import single realization result files that were output during a distributed processing simulation.
- Fixes several problems with large system fonts.
- Fixes a CT/RT-module problem for better convergence of low-solubility, low-mobility species.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.51
Major Changes in 7.51:
- A new distribution type, the Student’s t-distribution, has been added to the Stochastic element.
- Almost all math and logical functions in GoldSim now support arrays. For example, for matrices A and B the expression A * B will create a new matrix with each term being the product of the corresponding terms in A and B. Also, sin(A) would now produce a matrix containing the sine of each term in A. The details of these changes are described in a separate document GS_75_NewMathFuncs.pdf.
- The way that GoldSim manages result memory has been redesigned, so that more results can be generated using less RAM memory. When GoldSim is running, the time history results are now stored in a temporary result file. The result data are automatically loaded and cached in memory only for as long as needed for result display.
- Time history results are now compressed when saved to the model file, allowing for larger result sets to be created.
- Application memory tuning (a.k.a. 4-gigabyte tuning or 4GT) is applied by default. This feature allows GoldSim to use 50 percent more virtual memory (up to 3 GB) on Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.
- External elements can optionally be flagged to run in separate processes. This frees the GoldSim process space during the simulation and allows larger external processes and more results to be stored. Each such external process can use up to 2 GB (3 GB with 4GT) of virtual memory.
- A basic printing capability for result tables has been added. This can be used to print out time histories, result statistics, etc.
- New math functions have been added for calculating normal, Student-t and gamma distributions.
- Cumulative and discrete data tables from Stochastic elements can now be copied to the clipboard.
- GoldSim no longer supports Microsoft Windows 95. While it will still run on Windows 95 systems, compatibility will not be guaranteed for future releases.
Significant CT/RT Changes:
- An optional enhanced cell-net solver algorithm has been added, which will produce much faster, more stable solutions with large numbers of Cell elements. This option is the default for new models, and can be modified from the Model/Options/Contaminant Transport menu. The new option is called the ‘family-by-family’ algorithm, and the original option is called the ‘chain-by-chain’ algorithm.
- A single user-definable precision setting, with a value of High, Medium, or Low has been added to the Options dialog. This replaces the deHoog ‘nterms’ and also controls the accuracy of Cell-net solutions.
- An option to disable logging of CT/RT-specific warnings during a model simulation was added.
- For multiple isotopes, GoldSim will now generate a warning message if the specified solubility values are not proportional to the atomic weights of the isotopes.
- The Species element has a new output vector, called Mol_Weight, which provides the atomic (or molecular) weights of the species. For models involving isotopes, users are encouraged to define solubilities using a simple formula:
Define a data-vector (e.g. “SOLS”) containing the molar solubilities (mol/m3) for each species. In the input-field for Water solubilities, simply enter the name of the solubility element multiplied by the atomic weights, e.g. “SOLS * Species.Mol_Weight”). This approach will give consistent values and avoid the warning messages that GoldSim will generate if inconsistent values are entered for different isotopes.
Significant Solved Problems/Bugs in 7.51
- Fixed a problem with the trunc() function when used with very small or very large numbers, e.g. > 2e9.
- Fixed a problem with Stochastic element’s gamma distribution, if a large mean value was used.
- A dashboard component that was linked to an input of a Data Definition element that also had clones, only updated the linked element but not its clones.
- Fixed a problem when pasting data into a grid, e.g. a vector or matrix edit dialog.
- Generating large result tables with more than 10,000 cells is now significantly faster.
- Fixed a problem with versioning, which mistakenly recorded global changes to result-saving flags.
- A problem with using the date-time option for simulations was fixed. This bug could cause incorrect results for discrete change calculations.
- A problem with displaying confidence limits for some time-history results was fixed.
- A problem which could cause a fatal error in the material time-history element was fixed,.
- Pipe pathways were not correctly handling time-dependent changes to species decay rates.
- A roundoff problem that could cause a timed event to be emitted one timestep too late was fixed.
- Delay elements were given an improved algorithm for more accurate results.
Release Notes GoldSim 7.4
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.40
This version is a minor release with only a few modifications from GoldSim 7.30.
Note, however, that GoldSim 7.30 was a major new release with a large number of new features. If you are upgrading from a version previous to 7.30, you should read the 7.30 Upgrade Document. This document discusses some of the key changes in GoldSim 7.30, identifies those cases in which your results may be different from those generated by previous versions, and identifies those cases where old models may be invalid in the new version.
Major Changes in 7.40
This version contains the following notable new features:
- A capacity input was added to the Event Delay element. The number of signals in the Delay cannot exceed the capacity. Signals received while the Delay is at its capacity are stored in a queue until there is room in the Delay. This facilitates the simulation of actual queues, such as that at a bank teller.
- You can now “lock onto” a DLL in an External element, a spreadsheet file in a Spreadsheet element, or any file referenced by a File element. When you lock onto a file, a CRC signature is generated. The CRC signature is an alphanumeric code that can be used to uniquely identify whether the file contents have changed. When you run a model that has locked onto a file, GoldSim compares the CRC signature of the file with the original signature that was stored. If these are not identical (indicating that the file has been changed), GoldSim displays an error message and will not run the model.
- Vectors and matrices can now be downloaded into Data elements from Yucca Mountain databases and Simple databases. Previously, they could only be downloaded from generic databases.
- A New Model Wizard was added to automatically set the major simulation settings when a new model is created. (You can choose to disable the wizard through the Options dialog).
Minor Changes in 7.40
GoldSim 7.40 also includes a number of minor changes, the most significant of which are as follows:
- The license agreement is now viewed when you register (or upgrade) GoldSim, which for most users eliminates the need for printed license agreements.
- When you start GoldSim, a Start dialog automatically appears from which you can choose to open a new file, open an existing file, or open a recent file.
- Stochastic elements can now be cloned (previously, this was not permitted).
- Three new outputs were added to the MasterClock: DayofWeek, DayofYear and WeekofYear.
- When you download from a database to an element, the database download status information is now shown in the element’s tool-tip.
- The Model Author has been added to the Simulation Settings. This is written to the Run Log and can be referenced via a keyword (%author%) in chart styles.
- Changing a result saving flag no longer triggers an entry in the version log.
- Academic versions of GoldSim are now limited to 500 elements.
- The Contaminant Transport Module now has two types of licenses: CT and RT. CT does not have Source elements, Network pathways, and does not allow reaction (daughter products). All existing licenses will automatically convert to RT licenses.
- The Distributed Processing Module now has two types of licenses: DP and DP Plus. DP allows up to 5 slaves, while DP Plus allows an unlimited number of slaves. All existing licenses will automatically convert to DP Plus licenses.
Solved Problems/Bugs
GoldSim 7.40 addresses several minor bugs, the most significant being the following:
- Several bugs associated with copying, pasting and moving Dashboard controls (and elements linked to controls) have been corrected.
- GoldSim now applies more careful tests when checking the validity of previous-value (feedback) links, and when sequencing the calculations of models that involve previous-value links or discrete changes.
Release Notes GoldSim 7.3
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.30.1
GoldSim 7.30 is a major new release with a large number of new features. GoldSim 7.30 was previously released as a beta version (7.30.0) to a limited number of users for testing. GoldSim 7.30.1 is a point release that addresses problems uncovered during beta testing.
In addition to adding new features, some of the terminology in GoldSim has changed, and there have been some modifications to the underlying philosophy on which the software is based. Most importantly, due to improvements in some of the algorithms, some existing models will compute (slightly) different answers with the new version. In some rare cases, old models will need to be modified slightly before they will run in the new version.
The changes have been documented in detail in an updated version of the user’s manual. Because the changes are so significant, all users should update their documentation. The significant changes are outlined below, and where appropriate, references are made to pages in the manual.
In addition, to make the migration to GoldSim 7.30 easier, a 7.30 Upgrade Document has been produced. It is highly recommended that existing users read this document before using GoldSim 7.30. The document discusses some of the key changes, identifies those cases in which your results may be different from those generated by previous versions, and identifies those cases where old models may be invalid in the new version.
Changes in Terminology
A number of modifications to GoldSim terminology have been made:
- Ordinal Sets are now called Array Labels.
- Accumulators are now called Integrators.
- Consequences are now called Discrete Changes.
- Events are now called Timed Events.
- Delays are now called Event Delays.
- Transaction outputs are now called Discrete Signals; Event Transactions are called Discrete Event Signals; Consequence Transactions are called Discrete Change Signals
- Feedback links are now called Previous Value Links
- Some of the Table and Field names for the result export database format have been changed (to be consistent with the changes outlined above).
Major Changes
This version contains a large number of major new features:
Minor Changes
GoldSim 7.30 also includes a significant number of minor changes, the most significant of which are as follows:
- An Occurs function has been added. This function accepts a discrete event signal as an argument, and outputs a condition (page 9-33).
- The Changed function has been modified. It accepts a continuous input argument and outputs a condition (page 4-4).
- The functionality of the insert link dialog has been improved to make it easier to find elements (page 3-21).
- You can now insert jpeg images (although they are still internally stored as bitmaps).
- The Insert element menu is now hierarchical.
- Tool-tip functionality in expressions has been improved (tool-tips now can appear while you are editing).
- A number of commonly encountered error messages have been improved (e.g., for dimensional inconsistencies).
- Output icons in browsers have changed. Discrete signal (transaction) outputs in the browser are differentiated by an exclamation point.
- The Main browser has been removed. There is only a single browser now.
- Search capabilities in the browser have been improved (page 3-43).
- You can zoom in and out in the graphics pane using mouse wheel.
- You can navigate Containers using hot-key combinations (page 3-29).
- The size of the graphics pane document has been expanded.
- The Time History Result element is now more robust and flexible.
- Discrete Signals (transaction outputs) are ignored if received by elements in inactive Containers (in previous versions, they were stored). See page 9-49.
- The default number of substeps is 0 if the Contaminant Transport Module is not being used (and 10 if it is being used).
- When you replace an element’s image, GoldSim allows you to choose if you want the new image to be scaled to fit the existing element size, or if you want the element size to adjust to the new image size.
Solved Problems/Bugs
GoldSim 7.30 addresses a large number of minor bugs, the most significant being the following:
- Probability densities for discrete distributions were being displayed incorrectly.
- Axis label fonts were not being saved for result elements.
- The number of phases was limited to 5.
- Under some situations (small cell volumes, high flow rates), we could generate large overshoots (and create mass) within the CT Module (this was correctly noted in the run log). The algorithm has been improved to better handle these situations.
- Several problems associated with exporting results to databases have been corrected.
Release Notes GoldSim 7.2
Enhancements and Corrections in 7.21 SP2
This version is a point release with minor modifications from GoldSim 7.21. Note that while 7.21 SP2 is a verified version of GoldSim, the Player is still considered a beta version and is not verified.
- Result distribution analyses for Monte Carlo simulations can now display confidence bounds on the mean value of the result.
- In previous versions a Source element would stop releasing mass when it got below 1e-9 of its inventory. This has been corrected so that all mass is released.
- For Pipe elements, a stagnant zone was required to have a solid medium specified or it would be ignored. This has been corrected, and no medium is required.
- Pipe elements would incorrectly output invalid numbers following an event.
- Hyperlink elements would not jump the user into Containers or Dashboards.
- Financial math functions required an integer number of periods (months, years). This is no longer required.
- GoldSim would crash when running on Windows 9x machines and a Sum, And, or Or element was edited.
- GoldSim could crash when running on Windows NT machines when editing inputs in grids.
- A conditional Container could not be re-activated based on its prior completion event.
- A bug was fixed where, in unusual circumstances, one of the Stochastic elements in a model could fail to correctly generate its random values. This would occur only if the number of Stochastic elements exceeds the number of realizations by exactly one, with LHS enabled.
- Numerous minor problems with Dashboards and the Player were corrected.
- The reservoir element could incorrectly report an error if its lower bound was increasing more rapidly than its value.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.21 (Beta version)
GoldSim 7.21 incorporates several significant new features and internal modifications. As a result it is treated as a beta version, even though it has been verified. Users requiring the highest degree of confidence are advised to wait until the first point release (likely to be 7.21.100) before installing it.
Major Changes
- The manuals have all been updated.
- Edit fields for input expressions automatically expand. These fields allow the user to view and edit arbitrarily long input expressions.
- Support for Dashboards and Player files has been added. Dashboards are special containers that contain user-defined controls (sliders, etc.) and information that are designed to allow an untrained user to run the new GoldSim Player program. Note that a special license is required in order to create Dashboarded files. The Dashboard Authoring Module User’s Guide has been posted along with the other manuals on the website.
- The Simulation Settings dialog has been modified. Most of the changes are cosmetic. However, a feature has been added to allow you to run a deterministic simulation, and override the settings specified for each Stochastic element. For more information, see Chapter 6 of the GoldSim User’s Guide.
Minor Changes
GoldSim 7.21 addresses a significant number of minor changes, including:
- A number of modifications were made to the Spreadsheet element. First, the changes made to a spreadsheet during a simulation can now be saved. Also, a spreadsheet element is no longer required to have any inputs (e.g., if it is a data source). Spreadsheet elements can now reference spreadsheet cells beyond column 26 (Z). Finally, multiple Spreadsheet elements can access the same Excel file.
- When you define a specified (deterministic) value for a Stochastic, the value is saved when you switch to a multiple realization run.
- A new command line argument was added to allow you to read in an old GoldSim file, save it, and then close GoldSim. When used in a batch file, this provides a convenient way to convert all of your GoldSim files to the latest format.
- The maximum cell-net matrix size was increased from 330 to 1000.
- Relative paths to hyperlinks in Notes can now be specified (previously, the full path was necessary).
- Access to databases has been streamlined.
- The tool-tip for Expression elements now shows the formula used.
- The thickness of influences is no longer determined by the number of links. All influences, regardless of the number of links, have the same width by default. The influence property dialog, however, allows you to adjust the thickness for each influence. Existing models (in which the thickness reflects the number of links) keep their old thickness settings. You can, however, modify the thickness individually for each influence.
- GoldSim now remembers the last viewed Container and displays the contents of that Container when the file is reopened.
- Printer settings for Containers are now applied to all Containers, not just the current one.
- The Extrema element can now output the time at which the maximum (or minimum) value occurred.
- New math functions rowmin( ) and rowmax( ) record the row number of the largest or smallest entry in a vector.
- Tables defining probabilities and values can now be copied from spreadsheets and pasted into cumulative and discrete Stochastic element definitions.
- Result time history tables can now display up to 10,000 columns (realizations).
- Switches can now be inserted into a Selector (previously, new switches were always added at the bottom). In addition, the Switch dialog in a Selector is now resizable.
- A new status bar field has been added which provides additional information about the file and Container being viewed.
- A new keyword, the element’s description (%ed%n) has been added for use in result displays.
- Contaminant transport elements can no longer be within a conditional Container which gets deactivated. That is, if they are in a conditional Container, that Container can never be deactivated. If it is, a fatal error will be displayed.
Solved Problems/Bugs
GoldSim 7.21 addresses a number of bugs, including:
- If a Cell or Pipe pathway had its output flux rate go to zero, GoldSim would retain its last non-zero flux rate rather than setting the rate to zero.
- For complex decay chains where a single parent had two daughters, and both daughters’ decay-chains subsequently merged, Pipe elements could lose the mass generated by one branch of the merged chain.
- Several bugs related to use of the ‘importing from database’ and ‘exporting to database’ have been fixed.
- Text objects can now contain empty lines (e.g., between paragraphs). In previous versions, empty lines were ignored (removed). In addition, word-wrap is now defaulted to on when a text object is inserted.
- Several bugs related to the Note window have been fixed.
- When you replace the symbol for an element in the graphics pane, the size setting is now over-ridden so that the new image is not distorted.
- Several bugs related to use of the Distributed Processing Module have been fixed.
Release Notes GoldSim 7.1
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.17 SP1 and SP2
These versions are point releases with minor modifications from GoldSim 7.17:
- A problem that could cause slow file-save times after a very large network run was fixed.
- A memory-management problem for network solutions with large numbers of realizations was addressed (GoldSim 7.17.100 only). This fix worked on some but not all Windows NT systems, and was removed in GoldSim 7.17.200.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.17
GoldSim 7.17 is a point release with several minor modifications from GoldSim 7.15. These include:
- A bug was fixed which in unusual circumstances caused Extrema elements to give incorrect values in multiple-realization simulations.
- An error was fixed, that caused simulations solved using the Network solver to give incorrect probability time histories if not all time histories were saved.
- Some unclear error and warning messages were improved.
- A capability was developed to allow unloading a user-provided DLL after calling it.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.15
GoldSim 7.15 is a point release with several minor modifications from GoldSim 7.12. These include:
- The model archiving process was redesigned such that model load/save speeds are significantly improved.
- The shortcut key to switch back to Edit Mode (F4) now works while element property dialogs are open.
- Fixed minor problems with default values using old-style unit definitions (i.e., curly braces).
- Fixed a bug in unit conversion of user-defined stochastic distribution types when exporting results to a database.
- Fixed a bug with selected vector sub-items in time history charts.
- Fixed a problem with container conditionality.
- Fixed a problem where elements could be pasted into a model while in Result Mode.
- Minor cosmetic improvements.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.12
GoldSim 7.12 is a point release with only minor modifications from GoldSim 7.11. These include:
- Fixed a bug where Pipe elements give unreliable results following the occurrence of any Event.
- Fixed a problem where Expression elements could generate an incorrect error message.
- Minor cosmetic improvements.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.11
GoldSim 7.11 is a point release with only minor modifications from GoldSim 7.10. These include:
- Fixed a bug which in unusual circumstances could cause one Stochastic element in a model to produce incorrect results.
- Fixed a problem where Reservoir elements could generate an incorrect error message.
- Improved the display of dynamic results in charts.
- Minor cosmetic improvements.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.10
A large number of new features and modifications have been made to GoldSim 7.10. The key changes are highlighted below.
Major Changes
- The manuals have all been updated. Due to the large number of changes (and the fundamental nature of some of the changes), you are strongly encouraged to update your documentation with this version.
- GoldSim simulations are now controlled using the GoldSim Run Controller. Using the Run Controller, you can start and abort a simulation, as well as pause (to explore outputs) and resume it, and step through the simulation one realization or one timestep at a time. (The next version of GoldSim will allow you to add breakpoints to an element so that the model will pause when a particular condition is met.) The Run Controller is described on page 6-13 of the GoldSim User’s Guide, and you are strongly encourged to read this section before using GoldSim 7.10.
- GoldSim now makes a strong distinction between Edit Mode, Run Mode and Result Mode. You can only edit a model while it is in Edit Mode. While Run Mode and Result Mode allow for some limited editing capabilities, most dialogs are locked in these modes. This prevents you from creating a model which is inconsistent with the saved results. In order to return to Edit Mode, you must abort the run (if in Run Mode) and/or discard the results. The three GoldSim modes are discussed in detail on page 6-14 of the GoldSim User’s Guide. To return from Result Mode to Edit Mode you can press F4 or click the new toolbar icon which has been provided.
- Result elements can now be left open during a simulation so that you can view the results dynamically as they are generated during a simulation (see page 7-83 of the GoldSim User’s Guide). The ability to manually slow down a simulation (using the Run Controller) facilitates the viewing of such plots even for simulations which run very rapidly
- Several restrictions have been added regarding the use of feedback links to ensure their proper application. In particular, feedback links can now only originate from the following outputs:
- Accumulators
- Reservoirs
- Expressions with Specified Initial Values
- Transaction outputs (i.e., events and consequences);
- All Contaminant Transport Module elements.
In addition, the Initial Values for Accumulators, Reservoirs and Expressions cannot themselves be functions of feedback links. These limitations are discussed on page 9-17 in the GoldSim User’s Guide. Note that due to these new limitations, some existing models may now contain invalid expressions that will need to be modified prior to running your model.
- A new database format for importing data into a GoldSim model has been added. This format (referred to as a Simple GoldSim Database) is discussed on page 9-39 of the GoldSim User’s Guide.
- You can now specify a “deterministic value” for each Stochastic element in your model. The deterministic value can be the mean, the median, a specified quantile, or a specified value. When you run a “deterministic simulation” in GoldSim, the specified “deterministic value” is used for each Stochastic. This is discussed in detail on page 4-26 of the GoldSim User’s Guide.
- The manner in which Initial Values for outputs within inactivated Containers are evaluated has been modified:
- Before becoming active, all elements except constant Data elements, output zero (previously, they output an expected value). Constant Data elements output their defined value.
- Once they are activated, the elements output their normal (computed) output.
- Elements with Initial Values (e.g., Accumulators, Reservoirs and Expressions with initial values) output zero until they are first activated, and the Initial Value is not applied (i.e., they are not initialized) until they activate. (Previously, they output their Initial Value prior to activation).
These new rules are discussed on page 9-31 of the GoldSim User’s Guide. Note that due to these changes, some existing models may now behave differently. Hence, if you are using conditional Container in your models, you are strongly advised to read this section and, if necessary, modify your models accordingly.
- You can now reference units in an expression without using curly braces. That is, you can enter “10 m” instead of “10 {m}”. The curly braces are still recognized (omitting them is optional). The specific rules which must be followed if you wish to omit the curly braces are discussed on page 3-19 of the GoldSim User’s Guide.
- A new function (the Plume function) has been added which outputs a correction factor allowing you to compute the spatially variable concentration at the end of a Pipe pathway (accounting for transverse dispersion and a non-uniform source). The Plume function is described in detail in page 4-66 of the Contaminant Transport Module User’s Guide.
- GoldSim can now create a Player file (see page 8-33 of the GoldSim User’s Guide). Player files can only be viewed in the (free) GoldSim Player. The Player is essentially complete, and is now being beta tested. After the beta testing is complete, we will post the Player to the website (March or April of 2001). If you would like to help beta test the Player, contact us at
- The GoldSim Dashboard Authoring Module allows you to create Player files that can be edited and run by others (Player files created without this module can only be viewed). This Module is also essentially complete and is currrently being beta-tested. Use of this Module will require a modification to user’s existing license agreements and an additional license fee. It will be available in March or April of 2001.
Minor Changes and Bug Fixes
- Result elements now “remember” the last type of chart or table which was viewed. For example, if you last viewed a distribution result element as a CCDF, the next time it is viewed, it will be displayed as a CCDF.
- You can now control the number of significant figures viewed in a result table (see page 7-15 of the GoldSim User’s Guide).
- Round and truncate functions only accept dimensionless arguments.
- New dialogs have been provided to assist in adding inputs for multiple discrete changes and triggers to an Element.
- When viewing the contents of a locked Container, the cursor takes on the appearance of a lock.
- A bug was corrected regarding how Stochastic elements were being correlated. This bug resulted in actual correlations being slightly different from specified correlations.
- Entering Full Screen View in GoldSim 7.01 resulted in a crash. This has been corrected.
- The following bugs in the Contaminant Transport Module were corrected:
- Under some circumstances, GoldSim crashed when deleting species.
- Pipe elements with a matrix diffusion skin layer crashed when simulating decay chains.
- A bug in the manner that matrix diffusion is Pipes with retardation and anion exclusion was simulated was corrected.
- Inner and outer inventories for a Source were being reversed in 7.01.
- Pipes with zero flow rates were being incorrectly computed.
- The inner barrier inventory could not be released in the first timestep.
- Source inventory cell fractions and matrix degradation rates where not updated dynamically if they were entered as expressions (rather than links).
Release Notes GoldSim 7.0
Corrections in GoldSim 7.01
- Corrected problems with Internet registration.
- CT Module: fixed problems for cell elements in conditional containers, fixed problem with specifying time-varying degradation rate for source term, fixed problem with losing “Radioactive” setting for species.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 7.0
Major Changes
- The manuals have all been updated.
- Starting with this version, all copies of GoldSim will need to be registered (licensed) to a specific machine. There are several different ways in which you can register GoldSim, all of which will be explained when you first try to run the program. In all cases, you will be required to enter a Registration Code. All licensed users should have received a Registration Code via email. If you are a licensed user and have not already received your Code, you can request one by sending an email to Note that once you have registered GoldSim 7 on your PC, you can not move it to a different folder without getting a new Registration Code. Note also that a GoldSim copy that is only acting as a Slave does not need to be registered (unregistered copies can be run in Slave mode). (For more information, see page 1-7 of the GoldSim User’s Guide).
- The basic GoldSim framework and the specialized GoldSim extension modules have been separated, with the modules (e.g., the Contaminant Transport module) now being provided as separate .DLL files. Your particular license determines which of the modules are available to you. If you are building a model that does not require an extension module, you can deactivate that module (via File|Extension Modules). For example, if you do not need the Contaminant Transport features, you can turn off this module for a particular model, and the contaminant transport elements will be removed from the model. (For more information, see page 1-15 of the GoldSim User’s Guide)
- GoldSim now provides the ability to Lock or Seal a container, for QA purposes. The contents of a locked container can be viewed but not edited (until it is unlocked via a password). Nothing inside a sealed container can be changed without breaking the seal. GoldSim prompts the user before any changes are implemented to the contents of a sealed container (after which the seal is broken). (For more information, see page 4-9 of the GoldSim User’s Guide).
- All or part of your model results can now be exported (via File|Export|Results) into one of three formats: as an ASCII file, a binary file, or directly into an Access database. (For more information, see page 7-58 of the GoldSim User’s Guide).
- If a model has an invalid input, when you try to run it GoldSim will show an error message with a button that allows you to directly edit the element causing the problem.
- A number of command line parameters have been added which can be used to better control how GoldSim is run. For example, one parameter causes the model to open, run, and immediately close. This allows you to “stack” a number of runs in a batch file. (For more information, see page 6-16 of the GoldSim User’s Guide)
Minor Changes and Solved Problems/Bugs:
- GoldSim will no longer allow you to delete an ordinal set or a user-defined unit if it is currently being used in your model.
- The names of elements with attached notes are now underlined in the graphics pane (and appear as if they are a hyperlink). Clicking on the element’s name displays the Note Pane. Note that this means that you can no longer double-click on an element’s name in the graphics pane to directly edit it; instead you must Ctrl+double-click on the name.
- Added layout tools (via Graphics|Layout) and a new Layout toolbar to allow you to space and size elements and objects.
- Result elements now “remember” the type of display that was last shown (i.e., table or chart).
- Improved implementation of the Function-of and Affects calculations. These are now carried out much more efficiently when dealing with large models.
- Tool-tips have been added to the Exposed Outputs dialog of a localized container to show the full path of the output.
- When viewing data tables for multivariate results, you can instruct GoldSim to show the full path of the output in the header to the table.
- A number of names (e.g., sin, cos) have now been protected so you can’t create elements with those names.
- Improved error handling for user-created DLL’s.
- Added the ability to send a GoldSim file via email (File|Send…).
- The Units dialog (for creating and activating units) has been streamlined and simplified.
- Simplified influence filtering dialog.
- You can now filter the outputs of conditional Containers (this was not previously available in the Define Filter dialog).
- Improved accuracy of the Laplace-transform solution for pipe and network elements.
- Added new capabilities to the Hyperlink object (the ability to jump to a particular container or element).
- Some problems with the Note editing window have been corrected.
- Corrected an error in the erf( ) built-in function.
- Corrected a problem related to pasting numbers with a comma format from a spreadsheet into a GoldSim table.
- Hidden influences can no longer be selected accidentally.
- A bug involving the matrix degradation rate in Sources was corrected. In particular, if the matrix degradation rate was specified locally (with the Degradation Rate field) as an expression, the expression was not updated (the value at the first timestep was used for the entire simulation).
- A bug involving associated cells was corrected. In particular, of the model used substeps during the first fill timestep, and multiple packages failed during that step, solubility limits in associated cells were ignored.
Release Notes GoldSim 6.0
Enhancements and Corrections in 6.04.007
- After pasting numerical values in scientific notation into a Table element the auto-sorting did not work correct and mistakenly stored the numbers in an incorrect order.
- For contaminant transport solutions using Pipe or Network elements, where both parent and daughter species in a decay-chain had the same (non-zero) decay-rate, inaccurate outputs could be produced in GoldSim versions prior to 6.04.006.
- Some pipe-networks with complex interconnections were not being solved correctly.
- A bug which caused GoldSim to crash when using the ‘activation/deactivation results’ feature on a container level has been corrected.
- The Gamma distribution of the stochastic element mistakenly accepted invalid numbers for some of the inputs.
- Source element problems with disruptive events have been corrected.
- Linkage between External (DLL) pathways feeding Pipe elements was not functioning correctly.
- Effects of disruptions and time sub-steps on Source-term inner barriers were not being handled correctly.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 6.04
Over 100 new features and modifications have been made to GoldSim 6.04. The key changes are highlighted below.
New Features
- Updated User Manuals.
- The Quantity element is now referred to as an Accumulator.
- We have slightly modified the way that conditional Containers are defined. Please refer to Chapter 9 of the documentation for the details.
- We have modified the way in which Stochastics, Consequences and Delays can be triggered.
- You can now sort result tables in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header column.
- When plotting time histories of a vector, you can now display the mean time history of each item on a single plot (previously, you could only look at a single realization with all items, or the mean time history for a single item).
- Feedback links are now specified by placing a tilde (~) in expressions in front of the output for which you wish to use the previous value. The user must do this explicitly. GoldSim will no longer automatically create a feedback link when one is required. Note, however, that this new method has several significant advantages, including 1) you can immediately tell which output is a feedback; and 2) when you copy or move a container with feedback links, the feedbacks are always preserved. Please refer to the manual for details.
- You can now save the final values for outputs at the end of each phase. This allows you, for example, to view a result distribution at multiple time points.
- Within the Simulation Settings dialog, we have simplified the manner in which you can specify a static simulation (with no timesteps).
- File elements now support distributed processor simulations, and use of local files.
- Pipe pathway elements have been augmented to support a distributed line source zone (parallel to the flow direction).
- Improved efficiency of distributed processing simulations.
- Modified tab order in dialogs to be more logical.
- Improved accuracy of computed outflows and withdrawal rates from a Reservoir (taking into account that bound is reached in middle of timestep).
Solved Problems/Bugs
- Reservoir elements were not properly computing overflow rates and withdrawal rates if bounds were changing with time.
- A bug which caused nodes which are added to influences to “jump” erratically when they are added has been corrected.
- Several bugs related to moving elements have been corrected.
- The Extrema element was reporting incorrect values when operating on vectors.
- The Log-Normal distribution was displaying an incorrect mean if inputs had dimensions.
- Calculation of probability time histories sometimes reported an error if number of saved time histories was less than the number of realizations.
- It was not possible to repeat a single realization when running in Distributed Processing mode.
- Spreadsheet elements were not correctly handling spreadsheet entries formatted as currency.
- Numerous additional minor bugs have been fixed.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 6.03
New Features
- Updated User Manuals.
- We have changed how you specify the display units for a GoldSim element- they are now defined in the main dialog following the element description.
- When you edit an input field, simply Tab or click elsewhere in the dialog and your input will immediately be checked- you no longer need to click the OK button. Prior to editing an input field, hold your mouse over it to see a Tool-tip showing the input’s value, or the error message if there is something wrong with it.
- Tool tips now have a light yellow background when you are in Edit mode, and a light green background when you are in Result mode.
- The little yellow or blue rectangles used to represent links to other Containers have been removed. Now, input or output Ports having links to other Containers are outlined in black. To see all of the links for a Port, right-click on the Port and select the appropriate ‘display links’ option.
- Finally! You can now copy information from a spreadsheet or a Word table and paste it into GoldSim grids (vectors, matrices, Tables). You can also copy tab-delimited text from an ASCII file and paste it. Also, the array-editing dialogs for matrices and tables are now resizable.
- So long as you elect to save at least two time-histories, GoldSim now automatically generates time-history statistics so that you can see percentiles in history plots. This means that you no longer need to save all of your histories in order to generate these plots, which can save a lot of disk space for your GoldSim file.
- If you are browsing your model in Graphics-view, there are now ‘back’ and ‘next’ buttons similar to a Web browser.
- The ability to define Conditionality for Containers is now fully functional, and is described in the Manuals. However, we’re still working on this and will enhance it a little more in the next GoldSim version.
- You can now minimize GoldSim while running a simulation, by clicking on a button in the ‘Running model…’ dialog.
- If you are editing your model, and want to know what results you have selected to save, you can display them in bold by selecting a new option in the View menu.
- You can enable or disable saving all results within a given Container from a new option within the Container’s property dialog.
Solved Problems/Bugs
- Numerous minor bugs have been fixed.
- A bad bug in the Selector element was repaired. This bug could corrupt the GoldSim file if you deleted an input to the Selector element.
- If you selected Latin hypercube sampling, there was a bug that prevented GoldSim from repeating a specified realization from a Monte Carlo simulation. This is now fixed.
Enhancements and Corrections in GoldSim 6.02
New Features
The GoldSim 6.02 install process will automatically upgrade any necessary Windows DLL files on your system. It will add support for ODBC database connectivity if it is not already present.
- Updated User Manuals.
- You can reference Table elements like functions within expressions.
- Major improvements to result-processing, use of Styles for charts, etc.
- Contaminant transport users can have multiple ‘Reference fluids’ to define variable solubilities within a single cell network.
Solved Problems/Bugs
- Multi-processor network solver problems have been resolved.
- Numerous minor bugs have been fixed.
Fun fact: GoldSim was initially released as GoldSim 6.0, a tribute to its predecessor RIP (Repository Integration Program), a DOS program retired at version 5.2. See our blog for a more detailed history of GoldSim.
GoldSim is a trademark of GoldSim Technology Group LLC. © Copyright 2025 GoldSim Technology Group LLC. All rights reserved.